A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Wardrobe "controversy"

I think it's comical that some of the biggest headlines in our election news this week has been about Sarah Palin's wardrobe. Personally, I could care less how much money is spent on a wardrobe and make-up. I would rather read about what is said at rallies etc. as Obama's coverage has consisted of this week. The fact that this is really the only publicity that the McCain campaign is getting right now while Obama draws hundreds of thousands of people to his rallies is most definately not a bright spot in the election for John McCain. I am of the personal opinion that polls are generally slanted a bit, but I'm starting to believe that Mr. McCain has nearly no shot to win this election. Nov. 4th may not be as exciting as I figured it would be, this election may be boring in the end with a big victory for Obama.

1 comment:

Sarah Squires said...

I agree- I don't care how much money anyone spends on clothes. Furthermore, Sarah Palin wears a $35 wedding ring so you know that she is not demanding designer clothes to wear.