A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Monday, October 27, 2008

McCain needs big muscles to climb this hill

Looking at polls all across the country it is not looking good for John McCain. He looks to be behind in states like Ohio, Missouri, Florida, Nevada, and and Virginia. Bush won all these states in 2004 and there is no way for McCain to win without them. In Ohio McCain is down 50 to 46 percent. This is a crucial state for McCain since no Republican has every won the presidency without the Ohio on their side. In Missouri Obama is ahead by a closer one point margin. In Florida and Nevada Obama continues to have a 2 to 4 point lead consistently. Finally in Virginia Obama seems to be widening the gap with a 5 point lead. In some polls Virgina is solid blue for Obama. The only light the McCain campaign is seeing right now is in Indiana and West Virgina where McCain still holds his lead over Obama. The only problem is McCain needs all the states that Bush won to win the presidency and he is down 8 of them across the nation. McCain is going to need a miracle on Nov. 4th to pull this off.

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