A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Countdown to Implosion

The McCain campaign is starting to cannibalize itself in the face of a failed campaign. Already spokespeople are beginning to criticize Sarah Palin for being a diva and ruining the campaign. Top advisors have complained about her refusal to listen to what anyone says. She’s such a maverick, she doesn’t even listen to other mavericks.

With impending doom looming for the GOP on Tuesday, the finger has to be pointed at somebody. It is unfortunate, but mostly expected, that the party would turn on what they thought would be their saving grace. However, it is no surprise, or at least shouldn’t be to anyone with a baseline level of common sense, that a vice presidential candidate should be equally or more qualified for the presidency as the top of the ticket. Especially when that top is 72 years old and not getting any younger. Instead, the GOP wanted a star to steal attention from Obama. They wanted someone to become to new face of their party. They wanted someone they could turn into a maverick, who played by a new set of rules. And they created their own monster.

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