A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Sorry John, but MNF says you're done

Is this the end of John McCain's run for presidency? At time of post, the Steelers lead the Redskins 23-6 with 11:00 remaining. As we all know, when the Redskins win their final home game before an election, the incumbent party has won the election 16 in 17 tries. As if McCain wasn't already enough of an underdog, the Steelers win in a landslide as many pundits feel Obama will tomorrow night. What do you think? Is it possible that NFL games are actually bellwethers for presidential elections? Of course, many just say this is by chance...but maybe it is fact that the Washington Redskins run the free world, not the USA. Maybe this whole election thing is just a cover up to a massive conspiracy...

But back to reality, it's not looking good for McCain as unless he can pull of Florida and Ohio, he really stands no chance. With both leaning towards Obama, it seems as though McCain's last viable chance at running for president is all but over. But the fat lady hasn't sung yet, there is still hope out their for all those neo-cons! I will most likely be counting a worthless vote tomorrow towards John McCain, but atleast I voted opposed to several of my friends who say it's not worth it.

Happy Voting!

1 comment:

cjfrankum said...

Unfortunately, not only did obama lose Ohio and Florida, but he lost Indiana and Pennsylvania as well. As I was watching the counts, I thought there was no chance Obama would win Indiana..but he did. I enderestimated the voters he would turn in by his many visits to Indy. If only McCain would have paid more attention to a state he thought he had locked up.