A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Comprehensive Immigration Initiatives for a Secure Nation.

I recently visited Senator McCain’s website to view his stand on immigration and illegal workers in the United States. McCain believes we need to fix our broken boarders, and respect the laws of this country.
Senator McCain has pointed out four main steps to fix the broken boarders. The first step is to secure our boarders. Governors of boarder states will be held responsible for securing the boarders of their states. The second is to meet America’s labor needs. McCain will implement temporary worker programs to meet the demands for labor in the U.S. The third step is addressing the undocumented immigrants living and working in this country. Undocumented peoples must gain citizenship or be sent back to where they came from. They are affecting our economy negatively. The fourth step implement an electron verification system. This will allow companies to employees for citizenship before hiring them.

1 comment:

Adam VanZile said...

I am not exactly sure what Senator Obama's position or plan is for immigration; however I stongly disagree with McCain's third step. I think allowing illegal immigrants to obtain citizenship after breaking the law is a major negative issue hurting our country. These illegal immigrants have violated our laws and damaged our economy and they should not be rewarded with legal citizenship status.