A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Obama's Economy Ad

Obama is going to air a two-minute TV ad about the economy. It's an unusual move, because two-minute ads are used at the beginning and end of a campaign but not in the middle of September. It started airing on Wednesday and will air in battleground states heavily. The message is basically that the economy is screwed up, and we need real change. Obama outlines some of the things he wants to do such as: a tax break to the middle class, regulate Wall Street, free our dependence on foreign energy, silence the lobbyists and their influence, and end the war in Iraq.

I think it makes sense for Obama to air an ad of a longer length. With the recent events in the financial market, he's taking advantage and trying to strike big. He has the funds to buy the air time, so why not? People are worried about the economy and if his two-minute ad can catch their attention, maybe he can convince them that he is the change needed to turn things around for the country.

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