A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Gender Issues in the Campaign

I honestly dont follow the election, and that makes me nervous doing this because I am not sure that I know what I am talking about in all honesty. Although, I was given a suggestion on what to blog about, and that being simply how gender is playing a role in the election this year. From what I have pieced together, by listening to people talk about the election, it almost seems as though Palin gets treated differently because she is a woman. For example, people are not allowed to ask her questions about family issues, mainly her daughter, but there are certain things that may not be brought up to her. What exactly does gender have to do with that? I have always heard people say that "If you want to be in politics, you have to make sure your business can be put in the open," shouldnt that mean that no matter the circumstances, Palin's should be allowed to be touched?
Another thing about gender that was put into perspective today was talk of whether or not McCain would have actually picked Palin to be VP, if in fact Obama would have picked Hilary Clinton. I just thought it was a good thought, but me not knowing that much, I really don't have a view on that!

1 comment:

Jihan k said...

I think McCain put Palin the in VP seat to get votes from the woman who would like to see a female in the VP seat. i think its in his best interest to have a femail as a vice president.