A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Economic Credibility


With the "federal bailout of Wall Street" Presidential candidate Barack Obama adopted a strategy in which he would step back from giving specific details about reviving financial market. He felt it was unnecessary and wasn't interested in "scoring political points" but to make sure that a plan for the economic meltdown will in deed be sound and work. Obama took a step back from interfering with a plan that Congress and the U.S. administration is drawing up and will be be watching and taking part of the efforts now underway.

Also, Obama felt that it was crucial at this time that the markets have confidence that their work will not be impeded by partisan wrangling; both parties should work in concert to solve the problem at hand.

Instead of immediately blurting out details of how he is going to fix this meltdown, Obama took a step forward in waiting, wanting to conjure up a plan that will be systematic, work, and not negatively effect everyone in the making. There isn't an immediate fix to these economic problems, it takes time to look at all the finer points and try to make the best plan to bring out a positive outcome.

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