A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

McCain Zigzags on Immigration

McCain Zigzags on Immigration

The issue of immigration could play a vital role in who becomes elected president. Many people are questioning Senator McCain’s policy on immigration. They are not necessarily questioning his policy but a lack of policy.
In 2006 Senator McCain co-signed a bill which increased border patrol and made stricter rules on hiring immigrants. Then in 2007 when republicans protested the bill McCain backed down and changed his mind on immigration issues to follow his party. He then changed his mind again at the Republican National Party shifting to the right on immigration issues. Frank Sharry, executive director of America’s Voice stated: “ we may never move legislation even if “president” McCain wants to move legislation; “ Expecting a better outcome after his rhetorical shifts to the right is like giving an alcoholic a drink and hoping they get sober tomorrow” (politico, 2008).
Many people believe McCain needs to develop a plan on immigration and stick with it. Immigration relates to national security and with today’s society it will play a key issue in the up coming election.

1 comment:

MMPenner said...

Unfortunately, immigration isn't a hot button issue in this election, so the fact that McCain keeps changing his mind about it will never see the light of day amidst the Sarah Palin bonanza. It's really quite comical how McCain calls himself a maverick, yet backs down on on this issue which used to go hand-in-hand with national security (normally a republican selling point).