A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Palin Abused Her Authority

We are drawing closer and closer to the election every day, and one thing neither one of the candidates can have is bad news about their running mate. The reason is that both candidates are so closely matched in the polls that one mistake could cost them both dearly. An example would be what Palin did with her authority as a Governor of Alaska. Palin "abused her authority and broke state ethics law by trying to remove her former brother-in-law from his job as a state trooper." The McCain campaign says that the Obama supporters are the reason that this investigation even happened. The reason they say this is that the investigation lacks any real evidence and does not contain enough facts to prove that Palin is guilty. As of right now the penalties for what Governor Palin has done are not yet known. The big issue right now is if this news will hurt the campaign for the Republicans. I say most certainly yes. The big thing they have been pushing these past few weeks is that Obama and his campaign have ethical issues. Well, I hate to say it, but the Obama campaign might not be the only ones with ethical problems. Only time will tell in what happens to the McCain campaign due to Palin and her mistakes.

You can find the article at this website:


Adam VanZile said...

It will be interesting to see how these issues play out and influence the election. I think it is inappropriate for the McCain campaign to pitch Obama's relationship with radicals when Palin has issues of herself. Clearly both sides have questionable issues that affect them both. I have seen McCain ads that heavily pitch the Obama/radicals issue; and Obama ads that do not heavily focus on the Palin issue. It is a matter of desperation by McCain to save his campaign.

Jason Adams said...

This election feels like a "give it all you got" race. People get uppity about politics, and it's too easy to get them riled up. Sure, we can focus on each candidate and point out everything that is good. However, it is easier to look at the opposition and point out their flaws. This election surpasses all others in negative ads, and I feel like this is for sound reason: it's all preaching to the choir.

Michael Neese said...

And we continue on all the negative ads we have had this election this year. I agree with Jason on how people can point every little good thing about one candidate and show as many flaws of the other. This years election has had the most negative ads according to a yahoo columnist. I feel it's because we couldn't possibly have two other people that has more personal differences as well as differences in their political views. With the election approaching I'm curious to what else will possibly come out at the last moment. I'm sure one of the parties has something on the other that they have been waiting to use. We will just have to wait and see.