A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Friday, October 17, 2008

FBI Investigates ACORN

After hearing so much recently about the group ACORN, I was interested to find out just what this group actually was. ACORN, or The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now, is a community activist group that has come under some intense heat in recent weeks for potentially helping foster voter registration fraud around the nation.
The FBI has actually started an investigation, two senior law enforcement officials confirmed. The FBI is looking at results of several inquiries in various states, including a raid of one of ACORN's main offices in Las Vegas. Both officials however had to remain anonymous, as Justice Department regulations disallow officials to discuss ongoing investigations, especially so close to an election. ACORN spokespeople have re-buddled in saying that they have not been told of any ongoing investigation, nor do they think that they should be under investigation for anything.
This is obviously a major deal because of Obama's supposed ties to the group. He has on multiple occasions denied it, but there still seems to be some questions out there. The topic came up in the debate on Wednesday, and he attempted at least to set the record straight on his involvement with the group. As the McCain campaign continues to push the issue, it will be interesting to see what we find out about it here in the last couple weeks of the election.


1 comment:

D1_32 said...

McCain pushing the issue of ACORN is him trying to make Obama out to be some type of bad person that he is not. This is an issue with nothng to it and Obama has stated his affiliation with the group over and over again. There is nothing there and McCain is just trying to make something out of nothing.