A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

McCain and the "robo-call" campaign

Throughout the campaign the electorate has heard John McCain mention Barack Obama’s ties to 1960s radical William Ayers on several occasions. This tactic of targeting Obama’s ties to certain people and organizations like ACORN has intensified during the last week. After the last presidential debate was over, it was clear that McCain had not been able to do something new and brilliant to boost his numbers in the polls. It would seem now that since he can not build up his numbers on his own performance; his only option is to try to tear Obama’s down. In battleground states across the United States, members of the electorate are receiving pre-recorded messages that aim to cement the ties between Obama and Ayers. This “robo-call” campaign also features various other messages that attack Obama’s ability to lead our country. An Obama spokesperson has confirmed that Obama’s campaign is also taking part in this “robo-call” campaign, although he will not disclose what the calls say. Therefore, all the attention is on the extremely negative messages that McCain and the Republican Party are utilizing. Many people are angered by these messages and want them to stop. It is also likely that independent voters and possibly those who are undecided will severely dislike the level of negativity and attack aligned with these messages, which will not help McCain garner any new support, which is exactly what he needs.


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