A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Biden and Clintons team up for Obama

On October 12th, Joe Biden continued the Obama campaign in Scranton, Pennsylvania. Bill and Hilary Clinton joined Biden at the rally for their support of Obama. Bill and Hilary focused their persuasion on the middle class stating Obama's Democratic ticket is the best choice for their financial future. Bill told voters that Biden knows "the most about the economic, political, and security challenges of America." After the rally, Bill was continuing the Obama Democratic campaign in Virginia.

The Obama campaigning by Bill and Hilary Clinton is a perfect example of unifying the Democratic party. Bill and Hilary are attempting to rally all Democratic supporters to vote for Obama. Hilary won the Pennsylvania primary by 10% over Obama; therefore their is potential for Hilary supporters to not vote for Obama. Hilary is attempting to counter this potential risk by rallying her supporters to think Democrat. This is an obvious attempt by Bill and Hilary to build up resources for Hilary's future campaigning. If Obama is elected president, Hilary can run in 2012 or 2016 and have the support of the incumbent. The Clinton's are providing much support for Obama; therefore Obama will repay the debt when his term is over assuming he is elected into office.


MLBasey said...

I think this is a good thing for Hilary to do! Before taking this class, I did know one thing about the election, and that is simply that it would be huge because of a black person and a woman running. Then it all changed, but at the same time, I really feel like Hilary is a good choice, and she should do what she can in order to get the votes for the future!

Adam VanZile said...

Aiding Obama in his campaign is a smart thing for Hilary to do. Hilary is thinking ahead to potential elections. She is silently building up resources in several areas to give herself a better chance to pull of a future victory. This is very strategic for her to do and I am sure Obama does not mind the positive publicity she is swinging to his campaign.

mili said...

The fact that Hilary is supporting Obama does unify the party, but I think it was only expected for her to do that. But let’s face it…if Obama gets elected and does a decent job in office, do you really think Hilary would run 2012 with his support? The answer is no. Obama would run again for president and Hilary would have to wait till the year 2016 to run.

Adam VanZile said...

Hilary cannot run in 2012 if Obama is the incumbent. So of course he would give her no support. I was attempting to state that she could run in 2012 if Obama loses the election. If Obama loses the election, he would repay the debt to her in 2012 since she campaigned for him now. If Obama does win the election he would still repay the debt to her in 2016 when he can no longer run for office.