A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Obama's "collecting" the Protestants

With Obama pushing the ideas of economics over and over. He is gaining momentum on canoodling the Protestants to join his cause. Roughly making up 18% of the population in the United States: The United Methodist Church, Presbyterian Church, Episcopal Church,and the United Church of Christ, he gaining popularity and in turn taking away their votes from McCain. During the summer months, most of them were backing Senator McCain. The numbers seen were 43 % to 40 %, but as Obama keeps speaking about the economy many are beginning to switch over and show support for the Democrats. The numbers now are 53 % 44% now. Many say it is because of a platform that Senator McCain is supporting with Sarah Palin in regards to antiabortion. It is said that many of the Protestants are being annoyed and scared by Governor Palin's beliefs and religious language on the matter. It is awkward to them how the Republican party is incorporating such ideas such as the 'religious right' in their campaign.
It does help in the sense that Senator Obama is a Midwestern mainline Protestant too. I guess he attended a church in Chicago that is part of the United Church of Christ. And how he constantly incorporates faith into his speeches it draws appeal from the Protestants and proves he has a strong sense of hope. Which is another main word he uses quite often for this campaign.

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