A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Final Debate

The presidential debate that happened this past Wednesday was a very interesting debate.  I really enjoyed this debate because the debate provided the viewers with new subjects, and the moderator did an excellent job of making the candidates answer the questions that were being asked.  The interesting thing about this debate is what seemed a last ditch effort by McCain to make Obama look bad.  He did this by attacking Obama at every possible opportunity, especially with his use of the word "eloquence" to try to undermine Senator Obama's choice of words.  This debate showed the same sides to both candidates and nobody surprisingly wowed me in this debate.  I really enjoyed them talking about education and to "Joe the Plumber".  They made him an instant overnight celebrity.  I even saw him on the Today Show the morning after.  The candidates still have a lot of questions to answer to the public and I would personally like to know more about the candidates health care plans, and I would like McCain to stay on his issues and stop taking attacks at McCain.

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