A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Post Debate Attacks

After getting a brief chance to watch a few clips from the first presidential debate, I now realize how much they do attack each others outlooks and intentions. While watching these clips it seemed every time one or the other commented on a subject, the other candidate didn't hesitate at the chance to attack the other. I found it funny when the day after the debate a clip of Obama that was slightly altered to make him sound bad. It was when McCain would discuss a subject and Obama would say "Senator John McCain is absolutely right". But the people who made this clip didn't let the entire answer of Obama's be heard. Besides this shows how both candidates can be right about something but just have different ways on approaching it and solving it. This just shows although media is a great thing in today's political campaigns and issues, but it also can be altered for other peoples best interest. An example of this clip I watched is on youtube and just search "McCain is right".
I am now interested in what the media has to present after the economic bailout plan was passed. We will see soon.

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