A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Does McCain's strategy seem to be working?

After watching the second Presidential Debate on Tuesday night, I found that John McCain changed his image tremondously from the first debate. He appeared to be much more comfortable being in the town hall as well as more willing to say whatever he wanted to. A couple of examples are when he refered to Obama as "that one" as well as the time he added to Obama's dialogue, "did we hear anything about the fine". When a candidate seems to be comfortable in the situation, one would think he would lead in the polls. In this case, McCain isn't ahead, Obama has taken the lead still. The question is, what should McCain do in order to win over Americans?

1 comment:

Michael Neese said...

I think that maybe McCain realized that his approach in the first debate was a little too skittish. He didn't seem prepared for the first debate therefore he struggled. Coming into the second one I believe he did a little more homework on what was to be discussed. When you know what you are going to say before its asked people tend to feel confident about it. Another reason McCain may have changed his image may have been that he had too. He knows he isn't winning and when he saw that the first debate didn't really go in his favor he decided to try something different hoping to gain ground.