A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Barack Obama and Acorn

ACORN (the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now) is an organization that receives about 40% of its revenue from taxpayers and has a history of being left-wing. In fact, a new report from the Consumer Rights League claims that the Chicago-based ACORN has used some public tax dollars it has received and used it on political projects. ACORN is a nationally based organization, and the Washington based ACORN settled the largest case of voter fraud, in which seven ACORN workers submitted 2,000 bogus registration forms. ACORN also has been implicated voter fraud schemes in Missouri, Ohio and 12 other states. Barack Obama has admitted to giving campaign dollars to ACORN for "Get out the vote" campaigns. Furthermore, Barack Obama met with the Chicago-based ACORN when he first moved there. ACORN's administrators were impressed by the ambitious Obama and had him train those workers in the Chicago-based ACORN. After Obama trained this group, they participated in bullying banks and bullied these banks into providing loans to low and moderate income people whom could not pay them off; which is very similar to the housing crisis the country is currently facing.
John McCain has begun to bring this up in his campaign, questioning what Barack Obama's involvement was with ACORN and if he really trained the workers to protest and bully the banks. This has been the current trend for John McCain, whom is facing an uphill battle in the general election and has begun to attack the character of Barack Obama, which many speculate is a last ditch effort for the Arizona Senator. John McCain has spoke of this relationship at several events and has released television advertisements questioning this relationship. This strategy does not support John McCain, it just denounces Barack Obama.

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