A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Aiming TV Ads at Younger Voters

...this is an interesting site pertaining to ad campaigns......

What the recent news on ad campaigning is this: Obama is increasing his efforts to boost November turnout with the younger voters. It has been reported from MTV networks that Obama has bought some commerical time on three of its networks, including Comedy Central, Spike, and VH1 and could potentially be running his ads as soon as Thursday.

In years past MTV's networks did not accept political advertising but Obama becomes the first presidential campaign to buy time with the network. It is said that with this latest purchase of advertising adds another layer to the multi-layered presidential advertising campaigns in history with it reaching out to all sorts of voters with the "special tailored messages."

Although Obama's campaign considered this a "youth buy" and did not share the duration of the rotation, there were many comments posted about whether or not this could be a good strategy with campaigning or if it was just more money wasted. It was interesting to see the different comments about Obama's ad campaign; one saying that it was a waste of money and Obama sharing his campaign fundraising wealth. Others mentioned that it was telling of a candidate that promised change and post-partisanship.

In one of the readings it talked about the general election campaign and the final efforts. This is one of many final efforts for the candidates to reach out to voters who are still yet undecided. It is the time to take drastic action and do everything possible to help the campaigning process along. I believe that this wasn't just a waste of money but a kind of strategy to get his word out even more to people especially in these last few weeks. Could these ad campaigns be worth it? Very well so.


Aubree said...

I think that releasing ads are beneficial and if the candidates have money to release the ads then they should. I think the ads should be focusing more on the candidates themselves and not the negative aspects of their opponent.
I think that this was a great move by Obama to air an ad on MTV. He already has the support of many young voters but I think this could help reach out to as many as possible. The ad on MTV may not be as important now as it was before October 6th, but it can still help.

D1_32 said...

I thing that it is a wise and great move to try to aim at younger voters. The reason being is because many young people have not felt like their voices are heard and that they do not really count when it comes to decisions related to our country. Obama doing this sets a precedent that the youth does matter and that this is your country and your future at stake so take advantage and vote.

Jihan k said...

it is good that they are focusing or trying to focus their ads on the young, bc it is good to have them involved, they have every right to participate and understand this campaign just as everyone else .. also about the ads, i agree that they shouldnt be attacking or condemning ads, for me its a sign of weakness.. the best ads is for them to be original and creative to make ads of them selves that can get the peoples attention and persuade them.