A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Monday, September 22, 2008

addressing the audience

Who are Maccain and Obama Addressing ? Who is the audience ?
now after really studying about the campaigns and analysing the candidates speeches .. it really seems to me that they are not addressing us the public the American people, they are only addressing each other. To me it seems that each campaign feels that it's more important to address each other instead of us voters. When is the last time we have heard anything about the issues until today? When is the last time an ad actually spoke to you as opposed to speaking about the other guy?When are people going to stand up and say this has to stop NOW?

We have two candidates who break out a ruler and measure themselves on a daily basis as opposed to talking about what they plan on doing for the 4 years they are in office. I don't want to hear about innuendo on who slept with who, whose son is better in Iraq or any of that other garbage and neither should you.There are countless threads and postings about the issues yet none of them contain anything about what either one of these candidates plans to do. We talk about this being a forum to vent our frustrations but the frustrations people are talking about are meaningless!! Lipstick, age, black, white, Muslim, drugs etc.... None of that is going to correct the issues going on with this country. I don't care how well Obama speaks. I don't care if people think Palin is a milf and I don't care about Biden or Mccain's age. you should care about your country not being at war, or care about your country being economically prosperous.

I want is a week of the candidates speaking on the issues. Tell me what you think about the economy, Iraq/Afghanistan etc and other issues. PLease stop telling me about Mccain's vote in regards to being able to pass a school bus from 1977 or the fact that Obama has a Muslim sounding middle name or that Palin once said "Sambo" . Please for the sake of this country and its citizens...please address US and not each other. There are a lot more than 4 people voting in November and it's really not very humble of either candidates.
after reading chapter 6, i honestly dont think that these candidates know who the public is, and who their audiences are.


MMPenner said...

I would like to first applaud you for having the balls to refer to Sarah Palin as a milf in a academic forum.

And secondly, I agree with your arguement that the candidates, as well as the general public, are losing sight of the real issues that are at stake in this election. Too many people are being distracted with superficial jibber-jabber of 24 hour news sources to realize, for example, that if Palin had her way, women would lose just about all of their reproductive rights. Too many heads are turned the wrong way, and it could end up being costly for America and the rest of the world.

Jihan k said...

well matt at least its abreviated.. but for real like its becoming sickning how the campagins are becoming all about, and its going to cost the country alot i assure you.

LKS said...

I agree with you that there are too many silly things being talked about regarding this presidential race. The lipstick issues and etc. get out of hand, but I guarantee almost at least one topic you mentioned hit home with everyone who reads this because they have feelings about it. I for one think McCain’s age matters because I think the health of the president is important. (Not to mention the fact that I never allow someone over the age of 70 to make any decisions for me.) None of this means that I do not care about the country being at war or the economy, but I can not think and talk about those issues all the time.

Heather said...

I guess you really need to try to see the actual canadidates talk. I got to check out Obama in Elkhart and he had much to say about what is going on in this state of Indiana. He covered many issues including for us around here health care issues, mortagages, the No child left behind blunder, more education and more affordable education, keep jobs here in the U.S. instead of being shipped over seas. Many of these that I mentioned are very important to Indiana voters and around the country. He only said one sentence about McCain and that was about the tire gages that were being handed out. I haven't been able to see McCain speak because he spends time in other states thinking Indiana has voted Republican for years and they'll do it again. I want to hear about issues too but canadiates have to respond to comments made by the other side.