A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bailout Back in the Spotlight

Now that the debate is over, Senators Obama and McCain are back into the swing of things in a campaign that is strapped by the country's financial problems. McCain plans to return to Washington to attempt to achieve a bailout agreement.

The main issue of the night was, of course, the economy. As Barack Obama's communications director, Dan Pfeiffer put it,"The economy is the preeminent issue. If we went out and tried to talk about anything else, they’d probably riot at the event."

While democrats see the economy issue as the failings of the Bush administration, the republicans are trying to spin it as simply a choice between McCain and Obama. Obama backers will continue to point out McCain's "erratic" stance on the bailout agreements.

So what up for McCain within the next few days? Lindsey Graham, a close Senate backer of McCain gives her thoughts. "I think John needs to say we’ve avoided chaos here, but we’ve still got problems. And do we raise taxes? It’s got to be about taxes and spending. If we can convince people, ‘now’s the worst possible time to raise taxes’ and ‘when I say I’ll cut taxes, I mean it,’ we’ll do well."

Only time will tell for McCain and Palin as we draw closer and closer to November.

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