A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
The end is near...
The debates showed McCain as a grumpy old man, and in turn showed Obama as an experienced statesman, who will be ready in January to take on the role of President of the United States. In most polls, swing voters said that Obama won all three debates, by margins of as large as 2 to 1. McCain gained supporters in 2000 by having fun and using his “straight talk,” but now since his campaign has him on such a tight leash, he is unable to show his playful side, and all we see is the grumpy side.
McCain’s campaign also depended on more media attention for the attacks that they made against Senator Obama. Instead of the attacks dominating the media, the economic crisis is still the number one issue that people are hearing about.
Finally, Sarah Palin needed to have more time to learn about the issues facing our country today. According to the TIME article, Palin needed to be taught more about the issues, but did not have time because she was obviously a last minute choice. At first, she helped the campaign by drawing crowds to rallies that rivaled the crowds and the momentum at Obama’s rallies. After the Katie Couric interviews, the polls went down, and Saturday Night Live pushed them down further.
I think that McCain still has a chance, but that Senator Obama needs to mess up again for it to happen. The “socialist” accusations about Obama have not been out long enough to see if they will have any effect in the polls, but Obama just needs to continue showing up in the battle ground states and talking about the economy, and the Presidency should be his.
McCain and the "robo-call" campaign
Throughout the campaign the electorate has heard John McCain mention Barack Obama’s ties to 1960s radical William Ayers on several occasions. This tactic of targeting Obama’s ties to certain people and organizations like ACORN has intensified during the last week. After the last presidential debate was over, it was clear that McCain had not been able to do something new and brilliant to boost his numbers in the polls. It would seem now that since he can not build up his numbers on his own performance; his only option is to try to tear Obama’s down. In battleground states across the
The Final Debate
Friday, October 17, 2008
All signs point to an Obama victory...
John McCain is not busy campaigning in swing states where he could steal some votes from Barack Obama, he is now back tracking in states that have been Republican strongholds for several elections. While it is interesting to point out that George W. Bush was behind Al Gore by 11 points prior to the 2000 election and that polls can be skewed or not representative to the entire nation; it seems all too clear that John McCain will not be the President come the wee hours of November 4th.
White Independents
545 people
"Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them. Have you ever wondered why, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, we have deficits? Have you ever wondered why, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, we have inlation and high taxes?
You and I don't propose a federal budget, the president does. You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations, the House of Representatives does. You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does. You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does. You and I don't control monetary policy, The Federal Reserve Bank does.
One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices: 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.
I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank. I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-picking thing.
I don't care if they offer a politician $1 Million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes.
Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.
What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The president can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.
The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to The House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. The speaker of the House is the leader of the majority party. The Speaker and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want. If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.
It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can not replace 545 people who stand convicted --by present facts-- of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people.
When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.
If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair. If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red. If the Marines are in IRAQ, it's because they want them in IRAQ.
These 545 people have helped keep us "addicted" to oil, too.
They do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way. They also retire with full pay.
There are no insoluble government problems. Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from they can take this power.
Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.
Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible. They, and they alone, have the power. They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees. We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!"
-Charlie Reese-
I hope this article shows those who read it not only how counterproductive our Congresspeople have been, but also how IMPORTANT it is to be informed about everyone we vote for, and not just the President. It's unfortunate we can't have the media coverage of our state representatives that we have of our presidential election.
So while both candidates point their fingers at one another, please keep in mind that both of them, and their colleagues are all responsible for what goes on in our nation.
The Debate and activities before the debate
Joe the Plummer who was mentioned mainly by McCain and once by Obama after McCain did so many times said he is flattered that both candidates mentioned him. Joe Wurzelbacher is an Ohio man who wants to buy a plumbing business who came to symbolize the notion of spreading the wealth. Joe met Obama and said his plan would make him pay higher taxes but Obama explained how his tax plan would work for him and McCain seized the opportunity to use Joe in the debate to basically say that we would go into further debt if Obama is our president. McCain also said mockingly that Joe is rich and Congradulations if Obama was to be president. Personally I could have done with out the whole references of Joe and the sneers and snickers coming from McCain. I want to know how you are going to change this country for the better? Tell me! I already voted and made my decision but I would like to know.
FBI Investigates ACORN
The FBI has actually started an investigation, two senior law enforcement officials confirmed. The FBI is looking at results of several inquiries in various states, including a raid of one of ACORN's main offices in Las Vegas. Both officials however had to remain anonymous, as Justice Department regulations disallow officials to discuss ongoing investigations, especially so close to an election. ACORN spokespeople have re-buddled in saying that they have not been told of any ongoing investigation, nor do they think that they should be under investigation for anything.
This is obviously a major deal because of Obama's supposed ties to the group. He has on multiple occasions denied it, but there still seems to be some questions out there. The topic came up in the debate on Wednesday, and he attempted at least to set the record straight on his involvement with the group. As the McCain campaign continues to push the issue, it will be interesting to see what we find out about it here in the last couple weeks of the election.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Obama-Biden Tax Calculator
Sharing of Wealth?
As far as I am concerned, so far this year there has not been much talk about the presidential elections regarding my friends and I. But, after the last presidential debate I have started to hear more and more people speak up, especially myself. After reading that Obama said “I don’t want to punish your success, I just want to spread it around to everyone, not just you”, I just didn’t know what to think anymore.
Is the American dream no longer rags to riches? Do we no longer yearn for the possibility to go, through hard work, from a meager financial background into a financial millionaire (or whatever you strive for). If so, do we really want to punish those that have an excess of income by taxing them more? Why shouldn’t everyone be taxed equally? What happened to regardless equality? If we start to do this, where is the incentive to work your way into these positions? I just can’t understand how the “sharing of wealth” is expected to be successful when we have seen time and time again that this idea does in fact fail. Yes, there are certain things that need to be government supported. We do need welfare, we need Medicare/Medicaid as well as many other things and we need taxes to support these. But why should it come more so at the expense of the higher tax bracket, when they don’t even need these benefits?
McCain's visit on Letterman
One reason why it was a better night was the fact the two could discuss the debates that have been going on. Last night on the show McCain apologized to Joe the Plumber, the undecided voter who became an overnight media sensation. “Joe, if you’re watching, I’m sorry,” said McCain, who called average Americans, like Joe, the “victims of drive-by shooting by Washington and Wall Street.” So, appearing on Letterman gave him a free opportunity at gaining the media’s attention. It also gave him the chance to talk about his running mate, Sarah Palin. About how she was his first choice and what kind of reputation she had as being a Governor.
Overall I think this was good timing for McCain to appear on the David Letterman show. It gave him free access to the media, to talk about his good qualities and to make fun of him.
Hitting Hard on The Radio
It is a strategy that has gone unnoticed since the beginning, and Obama is using this tactic. Barack Obama is contesting an intense radio campaign against McCain in some of the most competitive electoral battlegrounds. These attack ads include issues including abortion and stem-cell research which are some of Obama's aggressive spots. The attack ads have occured as McCain has drawn criticism over questionable content in its own negative ads.
Also another interesting tidbit in this article was the fact that a radio station has had a number of perceptions from people thinking that their station (KBCO)"is in the tank for Obama." However, the radio station is just another way for Presidential candidates to get their word out; and this is what the radio station is doing. They have a legal obligation to sell political advertising for whoever wants it- its all fair game.
Obama radio ads have come at timely attacks on local issues and these "under-the-radar" attack strategies seem to be working.
Who Won?
Today, the McCain campaign released its latest web ad, entitled "Joe the Plumber." The ad highlights Barack Obama's plans to increase taxes on Americans, even as they seek to build their own small businesses and create jobs. While Barack Obama talks about cutting taxes, his plan is really just a plan to "spread the wealth around" instead of creating new wealth and new opportunity. There is a similar ad on the main page of the McCain website where he talks about Obama's comment about spreading the wealth around and again tries to get people to understand that Obama is refusing common sense solutions. The ad continues on to touch on the main issues brought up in last night's debate.
Also, there is a press release prominently displayed on the website titled, "What They're Saying About John McCain at the Hofstra Debate." It lists the comments of 10 or so prominent individuals, involved in media and politics, all praising McCain's performance and declaring him the winner. For example, ABC News' George Stephanopoulos said, "This was his best debate so far. He was able to set the agenda on a lot of issues like taxes, especially with Joe Wurzelbacher." MSNBC's Pat Buchanan said, "I do believe that this was John McCain's best campaign. I think he clearly won it on points. It was his best performance. He was intense and ideological and he's appealing to the base, clearly."
We know that the effects often lag behind the debate because most people do not reach a final judgement until they have discussed the debate with others and have observed the media reaction. Despite polls released saying that Obama won the debate 53% to 22% (McCain), the McCain campaign has made a host of surrogate spokespeople claiming their candidate won available to the press.
Hard Hitting Debate
I was surprised that McCain confronted Obama directly about the accusations in McCain’s campaign ads. I think he was trying to put Obama on the defensive and catch him off guard. I don’t think that tactic worked. However, I think McCain was effective at portraying Obama as an untrustworthy person. McCain seemed more at ease during this debate. I think it was because of the close proximity between Obama and McCain. The two candidates had more of a conversation because they were so close together. McCain could not help but talk directly at Obama.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Obama's "collecting" the Protestants
It does help in the sense that Senator Obama is a Midwestern mainline Protestant too. I guess he attended a church in Chicago that is part of the United Church of Christ. And how he constantly incorporates faith into his speeches it draws appeal from the Protestants and proves he has a strong sense of hope. Which is another main word he uses quite often for this campaign.
Video Games, a great place to advertise?
Feel free to add these campaign buttons to your Facebook flair application
Historically, campaign buttons were used to spread the word about the candidate, but were initially made of silk ribbons and actual shirt buttons. Campaign buttons evolved with technology, and eventually the likeliness of a presidential candidate was printed onto a button. Abraham Lincon was the first ever to put his image on a button during his race in the 1860’s. He wanted those far from Washington to be able to actually “see” and recognize his face.
Now, we’re bombarded with not only the faces, but the voices of our potential presidential candidates. Annyoed yet? Remember, we’ve only got a few weeks until the elections. So for now, wear those buttons with pride and promote some shameless advertisement for your candidate of your choice.
Campaigns losing steam
Maybe Obama's attack ads are working...
In some of his recent ads criticizing McCain's proposed "health care insurance fix," Obama uses neutral reporters to build credibility in his attack statements. Instead of using his opinion, which is never a good base for an argument, Obama takes advantage of the words of other people that aren't officially endorsed by his campaign. This opens the doors to dynamic perspectives on the issues. With only 20 days left, I can't wait to see how the rest of the election process plays out.
Let the Whipping Begin!

The third presidential debate is taking place tomorrow. Both candidates will try to make an impact on audiences by not only increasing voters’ knowledge of issues, but by also persuading some undecided voters to vote for them (shift limited numbers of voters). This debate is going to be especially important for McCain, who lost the previous two debates. McCain is going to have to move away from general statements to specific actions he would take if elected president. I think the reason why I have yet to be impressed with either candidate during a debate, is because neither one of them touches on anything in depth. The both float around vague statements and overused attacks the whole time, and I think we are all tired of that.
Hopefully we will get more substance in this last debate from both candidates, but there is only one way to find out…and that is why I’ll be watching it.
Attack on McCain in the Ad "Can’t explain" by Biden
Monday, October 13, 2008
The Pant Suits Are Back in Action!
campaign ads
I do not care what the color of the person that is to be President is, what matter if they can do the job and help the people and this country. Race has become to much apart of this election on both sides and I do not believe you vote for someone just because he is of your party or because he is black, you vote for the person who will do the best job and will not lie to you.
Presidential candidates Barack Obama and John McCain are criticizing each other in new television ads, trying to drive down public opinion of one another with the 22 days left in the election.
one example of the ads is http://pcl.stanford.edu/campaigns/2008/
where Mccain attack spot obama, he portrays Obama as a product of corrupt Chicago machine politics.
Obama's Comments on the Economy
Funding the Troops
On the campaign trail, Ms. Palin also claims that Mr. Obama “said too that our troops in Afghanistan are just, quote, ’air-raiding villages and killing civilians.’” In an interview with Fox News, she described Mr. Obama’s Afghanistan remark as “reckless” and said that, in her view, it was sufficient to “disqualify someone from consideration for the next commander in chief.”
With very little chance left McCain and Palin continue to dig and look for ways to attack the Obama campaign. Although Obama has stated that these statements were false on several occassions McCain continues to come full force. I do feel that we should do everything possible to keep our troops safe from harm. At this point taking the funding away would most likely weaken them physically as well as the troops mental statuses. I admire McCain will in taking as much action on the situation as this but, he doesn't seem to be getting anywhere by doing this. At this point in the campaign it seems to be too late to make a miraculous change in voters.
This semester we spent a whole day discussing the finances and the financial strategies of each presidential candidate. The main point out of this class period was who ever has the most money has the advantage, especially when it comes to television time. I was flipping through channels this Friday and stop on the OBAMA channel. Yes on Dish he has his own channel. This channel runs a bio of him and Michelle and his campaign ads over and over again. My first thought was wow this must have cost a pretty penny. Then I was reading through articles online and find out that Obama has purchased a 30 minute time slot on NBC and CBS on October 29th to give a closing statement. This is quit the financial strategy. He has been able to raise his money and spend it on everything necessary to make him successful during the presidential election and now he still has plenty to buy a television channel to air his ads and bio and to buy thirty minutes to address the American people without the rushing time of advertisements are debates. This will be his last chance to reach out to the American voters.
By saving this large chunk of money for the end of the race it is hard telling how McCain’s campaign can keep up. In order for him to make a thirty minute closing statement like Obama’s he may have to pull his ads from some of the swinging states. This could go both ways for McCain. Some political articles state that if McCain would have chosen Romney as his Republican vice presidential nominee, with Romney’s personal wealth and his business connections he would have been able to raise as much as $1 million a day. This really makes me wonder how much money really does have to do with politics. I am sure McCain realized that he would have been able to boost his finances with Romney and he chose Palin instead. Does this mean he truly did choose the better person for the job? Or maybe he was more interested in the media light and this was his answer to picking Palin. If there is one thing we have learned from the beginning of this semester it is money and media make politics go round.
Edutaining Infomercial
Coming October 29th is a 30-minute ad of Senator Barak Obama during primetime television. He claims it will be "closing argument" of what we have heard so far in the debates. He bought the same 8 PM timeslot on both NBC and CBS. The commercial will air during Nightrider and The New Adventures of Old Christine on each network, respectively. No official price has been released for these ads; however, each ad has been estimated at $1.5 million, totalling $3 million for the Obama campaign. There is also negotiations with FOX, but the ad would air during the World Series, so the possibility is low. In just two ads, Obama has already far exceeded the estimates given by our book for regular 30 and 60-second spots during primetime television. The only other person to do this in history was Ross Perot in 1992.
Interestingly enough, McCain will be offered the same opportunity by each network, according to federal law. However, because Obama did whip up this plan early and picked the times first, McCain may be too late to have a solid effect. Obama, realizing how close this race may be and anticipating that each state carries equal worth in spending money for ads, decided to knock it all out at once with a big media ad. This, of course, was the book's second point at noting the difficulties of television advertising.
Mark your TV Guides.
Biden and Clintons team up for Obama
The Obama campaigning by Bill and Hilary Clinton is a perfect example of unifying the Democratic party. Bill and Hilary are attempting to rally all Democratic supporters to vote for Obama. Hilary won the Pennsylvania primary by 10% over Obama; therefore their is potential for Hilary supporters to not vote for Obama. Hilary is attempting to counter this potential risk by rallying her supporters to think Democrat. This is an obvious attempt by Bill and Hilary to build up resources for Hilary's future campaigning. If Obama is elected president, Hilary can run in 2012 or 2016 and have the support of the incumbent. The Clinton's are providing much support for Obama; therefore Obama will repay the debt when his term is over assuming he is elected into office.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Obama goes door-to-door
I think this type of publicity is exactly what Obama needs in the swing states. With the hard economic times, people will be looking for someone who they feel cares for them and is willing to reach out and help meet their needs. By meeting people face to face (and making sure Americans know he is doing it) it paints him as concerned for the average person. If he can continue his success in states like Ohio, he will be very hard to beat come November 4th.
The Debate Game
Even though it seems McCain is not receiving any coaching, this is not the case. He is actually being coached by one of the best debate coaches in the nation, former Liberty University debate coach Brett O’Donnell. But this hasn’t kept McCain from “meanders through the substance of his arguments and “getting lost and having to revert back to simple themes”. Obama, already the well known better speaker of the two, is believed to be looking much better then McCain even though Obama seemed very wobbly during his primary debates. Even when Obama is being attacked it is said he is smiling and nodding making him “more agreeable…and more reasonable”
All this discussion leads me to ponder the question, how important are the debates? From a personal stand point, I flat out do not find them very important at all. It is painfully obvious that Obama is the better speaker, but I can’t believe that being a great speaker makes you a great leader. I am not saying that I don’t think Obama could be a good leader by any means. I am just saying that being does not undeniably make you the other. I think they are completely different from each other. Being able to verbally give your ideas can help you get them across, but it doesn’t make you any better at implementing these ideas.
I know that the debates will have a sway on voters in who they decide to vote for the next president of the United States, but it shouldn’t. Too many people look at the candidates based on personal image rather than leadership ability.
Palin Abused Her Authority
You can find the article at this website:
Where does McCain Stand in this Horse Race?
Wayne also states that incumbents usually receive more critical comments. It is obvious that when Obama pointed out McCain stating that he has voted the same as President Bush 90 percent of the time, he was trying to tell the public that McCain is just like the incumbent. McCain attempts to separate himself by labeling himself as a Maverick. In the “Why John McCain” section of McCain’s website it is mentioned that “He spoke out against his own party's out-of-control spending, against the Administration to change a failing strategy in Iraq, and against an energy bill that was full of giveaways to Big Oil companies.” This is a strategy that John McCain uses to battle the claim that he would be a President much like the incumbent President Bush. McCain also preaches of having a change but the right change. Currently Obama is leading in the polls, however, it will be interesting to see if McCain’s strategy will bring him success or defeat come November 4, 2208.
Risky in Pennsylvania
McCain's campaign will be focused in the historically Republican Philadelphia suburbs, as well as the rural and industrial reaches of the state. According to Vogel and Parnes, "The McCain campaign believes it can sway voters in those areas by emphasizing a socially conservative message and branding Obama an elitist liberal with shady past associates."
Barack Obama plans to combat McCain's last minutes sweep for Pennsylvania by labeling the Arizona senator as "out of touch" with PA citizens' economic hardships and by encouraging an overwhelming turnout in the state's most populated city, Philadelphia.
My thoughts...
This actually sounds very familiar to what Barack Obama is doing in Indiana. (In class on Friday we discussed the Indianapolis Star article that laid out the number of times visiting IN for both Obama and McCain.) Indiana is a state that has historically voted Republican. In a way, in makes sense that Obama would campaign here more than McCain. I think the Obama campaign sees the Indiana electoral votes as still 'in the air,' while the McCain campaign views Indiana as more of a sure thing. Even though Pennsylvania has voted Democrat many times in the past, McCain still thinks he has a chance to win the state, and will certainly try to do so before election day.