A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
War of words in presidential campaign intensifies
McCain softening his tone?
Does McCain's strategy seem to be working?
Friday, October 10, 2008
Barack Obama and Acorn
John McCain has begun to bring this up in his campaign, questioning what Barack Obama's involvement was with ACORN and if he really trained the workers to protest and bully the banks. This has been the current trend for John McCain, whom is facing an uphill battle in the general election and has begun to attack the character of Barack Obama, which many speculate is a last ditch effort for the Arizona Senator. John McCain has spoke of this relationship at several events and has released television advertisements questioning this relationship. This strategy does not support John McCain, it just denounces Barack Obama.
Helping the Seniors of this country
- Wants to get name brand drugs switched to generic brands. To help reduce the cost of the many precription drugs that Elders need to take.
- Is very against privatizing social security.
-Does not believe in raising retirement age. also does not want to cut benefits for Social Security and supports the 10.6 percent cut in medicare payments.
-Believes in giving Seniors more choices about their long-term care. Wants to also improve the quality of elder care. This would include more nurses and health care workers.
-Very strong in cutting taxes for seniors making less then 50,000 in a year. the tax break of $1,400 for 7 million seniors. This would help by relieving millions of elders from the stress of filing tax returns.
-One way that Obama believes he can strengthen Social Security is by lifting the payroll tax cap but only on earnings above 250,000.
-Urges younger worker to start saving earlier for their later years.
-Forces firms to put more money into their pension funds to make them solvent so that workers won't be left with a bunch of IOU's after many years of service.
New Ad Focuses on Relationship with Ayers
Is this an example of the old Kerry flip-flop days? When is enough enough and someone can just come out and confess that they've had relationships with a bad group of people, instead of going back and forth? I feel that this is a stellar example of Obama's character; when backed into a tough corner, deny, deny, deny. Is that what we want our future president to do? Further, should past relationships play a role in whom we select as our President?
"Obama, the Baby Killer"
Just today I saw brand new blogs and online notes about how people are trying to spread the word about Obama’s baby-killing tendencies. People believe this because of sites like BornAliveTruth.org that advertise Obama’s votes against those bills in Illinois, but hardly mention the fact that a similar law was already in place. I think this is a good example of how untruths can be spread by the diffusion of information, which is discussed in Trent & Friedenberg's "Political Campaign Communication," and we talked about it class.
For an actual in-depth coverage of this issue, please visit http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/obama_and_infanticide.html
Thursday, October 9, 2008
O Little Town of Bethlehem...
Platt claimed that Obama refused to wear a flag pin on his lapel (even though he had been wearing one the night before at the debate, and McCain had not worn one in the first Presidential debate), saying that he removed it BECAUSE it was a symbol of patriotism. Now, partisanship aside, how are we supposed to trust anything he says in his speech when he starts out with an obvious, blatant lie?
Then Cindy McCain took to the stage, reiterating a well-known fact that has been said dozens of time by the McCain campaign: "Let me tell you, the day Senator Obama decided to cast a vote not to fund my son when he was serving . . . sent a cold chill through my body, let me tell you. I suggest that Senator Obama change shoes with me for just one day and see what it means to have a loved one serving in the armed forces, and, more importantly, serving in harm's way.” It was weird, but she reminded me a lot of Paris Hilton when she said it on television. Anyway, we all know that Obama voted against this bill…and we also know why! It was because there was no timetable. The public is also familiar with McCain’s voting against a similar bill, but with a timetable, she didn’t mention that one though.
Right now, the American people are looking for the truth, and for reasons to vote for each candidate- not reasons to vote against them. If we cannot trust the candidates (or their campaigns) to come up with credible surrogate speakers, how can we trust the candidates to tell us the truth, or to appoint trustworthy cabinet members when they are in office? I think that this is a prime reason that we NEED the media…because without the fact checkers and the pundits, we would have to fend for ourselves-trying to speculate what is the truth, and what is completely fabricated.
Humor Helps
McCain's Homeownership Resurgence Plan
It reads like a good story: the background is economic crisis sparked by exagerated lending terms and homeowners' inability to pay off their mortgages. The action proceeds with government hesitancy over and then approval of the $700b+ bailout package. Then, in the context of an intense political confrontation (Tuesday's debates), John McCain unveils his Homeownership Resurgence Plan, though in its rough form. He mentions the government buying up bad mortgages, a seeming bottom-up strategy to help the economy. The McCain campaign's website now has the plan as its front-page news item, providing the details that weren't presented Tuesday. It allows the government to buy up mortgages and replace them with fixed-rate mortgages that would keep people from defaulting.
From a communicative standpoint, the plan was botched. Uncertainty followed McCain's vague announcement during the debate (see "Critics call McCain housing plan 'half-baked'" at Politico.com), and pundits called it hasty, perplexing, and ambiguous. Even though the campaign's website has provided consistent updates, no wider announcements have been made, increasing the confusion surrounding the proposal.
This would have been a great opportunity for the McCain campaign to call a PRESS CONFERENCE as detailed in the chapter by Trent and Friedenburg. It was a situation that called for special attention immediately following the debate while people were still taken aback that such a serious policy had been so casually presented. Because of the topics newness, a variety of news sources would have been interested in giving McCain publicity. The campaign could have clarified its proposal, strengthened it, and responded to questions.
This was, unfortunately, a missed opportunity by the McCain campaign.
Would the real Cindy McCain please stand up?
Instead of blasting Obama for voting the same way that her husband did even though it wasn't for the same reason, she should be kicking her husband out of the bedroom and making him sleep on the couch! I really don't understand where the McCain campaign is really trying to go with this since both senators voted against this bill. And using Cindy McCain to say that the judgment of Obama is wrong and that her husband's judgment is better. There is one problem with that statement....THEY MADE THE SAME JUDGEMENT! End of story! So Cindy McCain and others out there who like to fabricate the truth I suggest you find a new strategy.
Presidential Debate
I liked that this debate had audience members and web users ask the questions but I still would have liked to hear more of how they are going to fix certain issues but the economy is bombarding these canadidates talking mainly about the economy. Another thing I want to talk about what's with all this Maverick business? It makes no sense to me, what is a Maverick anyway?
I also was concerned that McCain said that "My friends, we are not going to be able to provide the same benefits for presant day workers that presant retirees have today" He did not elaborate on this. It seems like generation after generation has to pay for past generations deeds. There were some white lies in the debate by both canidates but three came from McCain two from Obama. I know some mistakes can happen but voters are going to look at this. Overall I felt Obama had the upper hand in this debate. I thought he related to the voters and at the end stayed and talked, took pictures, autographs, and laughing with voters. I was watching the end credits and I was like were is McCain?
"Well it's no picnic for me either, buddy"
The clip highlights Obama’s reason for wanting to be president. There were some other politicians interviewed, and they would say “Obama is passionate about the issues he fights for.” He does not just want to be the president to have the status, he wants to work for the American people to improve lives. He mentions that the world needs to be changed, and the only person who can start to change it is you. His core values mentioned include: hard-work, honesty, self-reliance, empathy, respect, kindness, and faith. “Americans can do anything when they put their minds to it.” Obama wants to work on behalf of the next generation, in order to make their lives better. He wants to work for “not just some people, but for all of us.”
The video aims to lead the audience to believe that Obama is the way to change. That he is the way to make America once again the greatest country in the world. With no negative aspects of the movie, the audience may begin to think that Obama is a new and different politician who will be a great leader.
527 Reasons to Hate your Opponent
Independent groups are hoping to have the same effect in this year’s election. Groups for both Obama and McCain are taking aim at the opposition. The California Nurses Association aired a commercial in battleground states showing a picture of John McCain with a woman singing “One Heart Beat Away,” obviously pointing out John McCain’s age. The group was trying to put doubts in voter’s minds about Sarah Palin’s ability to lead the country. Veterans for Freedom has also started an ad campaign accusing Obama of caring more about his campaign than the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Anti-McCain and anti-Obama groups have both spent about 6.6 million, in the last 2 weeks alone. As Election Day gets closer both sides are trying to ensure victory. So far, no one group has seemed to have any effect on the campaign. However, the ads that have come out so far are only the beginning. Many of these groups are looking for wealthy donors to put their ads on more often. The problem I have with these independent groups is that they only spout partisan rhetoric. I wish they would try and put some substance in their ads. Obama and McCain have set a negative tone for this election which is spreading.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Read the Plan
That all changed today when I visited the McCain website and on the main page saw "Jobs for America- Read the Plan." Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised. They broke the McCain Economic Plan down into eight sections: workplace flexibility, relief for families, government reform, supporting small business, cheap and clean energy, better health care, simpler and fairer taxes, and lower barriers to trade. The sections are brief but specific and informative.
A lower corporate tax rate is essential to keeping good jobs in the United States. Under the "Supporting Small Business" section it talks about what McCain plans to do. For example, he will keep the top tax rate at 35%, maintain the 15% rates on dividends and capital gains, and phase-out the Alternative Minimum Tax, cut the corporate tax rate from 35 to 25%, allow a first-year deduction ("expensing") of technology and equipment investments, and establish a permanent tax credit equal to 10% of wages spent on R&D.
Each one of these initiatives is explained briefly in plain English that any American can understand. There are also links to "tell a friend" and to "download, print, and share" the plan. Wow! I know that in a debate format there is limited time to propose a plan and share all the details, but I think McCain should direct people to his website where everything is clearly explained. I was really impressed- go to the McCain website and see if you agree.
Aiming TV Ads at Younger Voters
...this is an interesting site pertaining to ad campaigns......
What the recent news on ad campaigning is this: Obama is increasing his efforts to boost November turnout with the younger voters. It has been reported from MTV networks that Obama has bought some commerical time on three of its networks, including Comedy Central, Spike, and VH1 and could potentially be running his ads as soon as Thursday.
In years past MTV's networks did not accept political advertising but Obama becomes the first presidential campaign to buy time with the network. It is said that with this latest purchase of advertising adds another layer to the multi-layered presidential advertising campaigns in history with it reaching out to all sorts of voters with the "special tailored messages."
Although Obama's campaign considered this a "youth buy" and did not share the duration of the rotation, there were many comments posted about whether or not this could be a good strategy with campaigning or if it was just more money wasted. It was interesting to see the different comments about Obama's ad campaign; one saying that it was a waste of money and Obama sharing his campaign fundraising wealth. Others mentioned that it was telling of a candidate that promised change and post-partisanship.
In one of the readings it talked about the general election campaign and the final efforts. This is one of many final efforts for the candidates to reach out to voters who are still yet undecided. It is the time to take drastic action and do everything possible to help the campaigning process along. I believe that this wasn't just a waste of money but a kind of strategy to get his word out even more to people especially in these last few weeks. Could these ad campaigns be worth it? Very well so.
McCain, Step up to the Plate, Will Ya?
McCain's Spending on Advertising
I have noticed that here in Indiana the majority of ads played on TV are for Obama. His ads are constantly on TV, it doesn’t matter what time of day or station. Depending on the news station or poll that you observe McCain either has a slight lead or both McCain and Obama are tied. In this situation it only makes sense that both candidates would be spending close to the same amount of money on the ads, but that is not the case. Between Sept. 28 and Oct. 4 McCain spent $179,000 compared to $614,000.
Why is there so much difference in the spending between the candidates? One reason may be due to the funds that the candidates have. A second could be due to the desire to when Indiana. This theme is just not found in Indiana but in many other states. The only states that McCain is outspending Obama are in Iowa and Minnesota. Is this a sign that McCain is giving up or that he thinks advertising is not an important tool to gain voters?
Consummate Maverick, Branded Cattle, or Presidential Sidekick?
What is a Maverick? Senator John McCain has coined himself one from the beginning stages of his campaign. He hopes to use the term to display his experience and track record in politics. Governor Palin also uses this term to describe the Republican Presidential campaign. But what does it actually mean?
One Texas family in particular finds the campaign slogan to be offensive to their family name, Maverick. The history of word leans toward a different connotation. The Maverick family has prided itself on a history of progressive politics and in the 1800s the term “maverick” meant unbranded cattle. The fact that McCain has voted with his party does not support his nickname. As Ms. Maverick stated, “He’s a republican, he’s branded.” http://www.nytimes.com/2008/10/05/weekinreview/05schwartz.html?_r=2&oref=slogin&oref=slogin
The Democratic Party seems to agree with the Maverick family. After last night’s debate, Senator Biden stated that McCain is “an angry man, lurching from one position to another" and making ugly attacks against Obama instead of offering solutions to a troubled country. Biden also stated that McCain could not possibly be a Maverick when all he has ever been is a sidekick to President Bush. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5i7K20RiBJeMQhhTZUST64ABObHjAD93MDGD82
The Results of Presidential Debate #2
The town hall debate set up was interesting, and it is pretty much decided that both candidates did a relatively good job with no major screw ups or flops. But the question is still, Who won? Viewing a number of sources, it has become clear that most people share the same opinion; neither candidate won hands down. However, that statement in itself kind of helped decide who the winner was. The consensus seems to be that Obama won the debate, not because of necessarily what he did, but more so because McCain did not have that game changing moment that he and his campaign needed to change the direction that this race is going in. Politico.Com's Alexander Burns sums it up pretty well: "Obama didn't deliver a knockout punch tonight. But he denied his opponent the chance to re scramble the campaign, and that was enough. The day goes to him. "
The Associated Press, the Wall Street Journal, and the Washington Post all seem to agree in their own ways. Mark Halperin, at at Time Magazine had this to say, "[Obama] played it typically cautious and safe, and thus avoided major blunders, knowing if he commits no errors for the next 30 days, he will be the next president of the United States. " In a CBS poll following the debate, 40 percent of voters said Obama won, while 26 percent said McCain won, and the other 34 percent said the debate was a relative tie. A CNN poll showed that 54 percent said Obama won, while only 30 percent gave it to McCain. However the same CNN poll also showed that 83 percent of those polled felt that McCain was more prepared for the job, so McCain can take some light in that. This final month of the campaign will prove very interesting. Will Obama be able to hold onto his apparent current lead? Or will McCain be able to find that defining and "game changing" moment he needs to turn the voters to his side? Only time will tell.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
The Desired Effect of Presidential and Vice Presidential Debates
Candidates and Their Interpersonal Communication
Changes in Politics
From what I can see (I am not expert though), there are two reasons why the economic crisis has helped Obama in the polls: because he has been clearer about his financial plan, and because McCain is a Republican. If we are shifting away from voting for Political Parties, why is it that McCain being Republican has turned into such a negative thing? Obama has been relying on the message that McCain represents the “same old Washington Politics,” while McCain has been trying to portray himself as a “maverick” of Republicans. Is this decline of Political Parties? McCain is trying to distance himself from the current administration to gain votes, while Obama is trying to make him seem like all other Republicans. The polls indicated that Obama is ahead, and that people do not want to see a Republican in office because they want to see some “change”.
Maybe Political Parties play a bigger role than we all think…
Ponytail Guy
"Referring to voters as "symbolically the children of the future president," he asked how voters could expect the candidates 'to meet our needs, the needs in housing and in crime and you name it, as opposed to the wants of your political spin doctors and your political parties. ... Could we cross our hearts? It sounds silly here but could we make a commitment? You know, we're not under oath at this point, but could you make a commitment to the citizens of the U.S. to meet our needs—and we have many—and not yours again?'"
With the recent increase in negative campaigning by Obama and McCain, there is the possibility of a regular "Joe Six-Pack" asking tough questions of the candidates. I do hope someone gets the nerve and the opportunity to put the candidates on the spot. Maye we'll actually get a spontaneous answer that will allow us to learn a little more about the candidates instead of a speech module that they've practiced over and over.
Because in essence, what the pony tail guy said is true. The election should be about us, the people, and our needs, not the candidates and political parties.
Health care advisers show plan diversity
Senator McCain and Obama have both proposed new health care plans. McCain and Obama have gone about their plans differently. McCain’s advisors are primarily free market advocates and waste hunters, while Obama’s advisors are big name board reform candidates from Capital Hill.
The different staff could be due to the differences in their health care plans. Senator McCain has produced a mix of spending controls and tax fixes, which will expand insurance coverage. On the other hand Obama has a sweeping proposal that will prod the market to cover more people. This will also provide a government backstop for those who can’t afford it.
Many people have a different view on which plan is right for the American people. This could be a key argument in this year’s election. That is why the candidates have put together their advising staffs to help them decide on a plan and the in and outs of the plan.
Barack Obama is coming to town...
Less than a month remains until the dawning of Election Day, and candidates are hitting choice states with real intensity in some “last” attempts to sway voters to their camp. This baby doesn't exactly look won-over.
Tomorrow at 12:15, Barack Obama will be making his 6th pit stop in Indiana to throw what’s being called “A Rally for Change.” Change…hmm. Sound familiar? There is no doubt in my mind that Obama will be throwing out a few different stock speeches in order to reach out Hoosiers: perhaps the economy and the working class will be the two most prominent topics on Obama’s lips tomorrow? We’ll find out. Well, I know I will—I’m skipping class to hear just what exactly he (and his speech writers…) have got to say. (P.S. There’s one seat left in my car, if anyone’s interested in going.)
Stock speeches aside, I’m heading to the rally because frankly, in the thick of the General Election Stage, I crave these expectations just like the rest of you! Speeches, rallies, bumper stickers, baby-kissing--they’re all campaign rituals that we as U.S. citizens demand to be fulfilled. It’s something like a “symbolic” trade off: hug my grandma, promise her health care, throw her a tee shirt, and I’ll guarantee you my vote. I suppose I’m glad that it’s not exactly THAT easy…
If you’re in the mood for “the lighter side of Politics,” check out this collection of politicians kissing babies:
Here’s a link to learn more about what’s going on with Barack in Indiana without the babies:
On the offensive
Electoral Votes for today
In regards to national tracking polls, Obama leads in 8 of them.
Battleground- +7
CNN- +8
Diageo- +6
Gallup- +8
Rasmussen- +8
Research 2000- +8
WaPo/ABC- +6
The average present is a 6.7 point lead.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Interpersonal communication between candidates and voters
For quite some time now, I've been noticing some serious gaps in Barack Obama's communication skills. It didn't seem possible just a few short months ago, but it's started to look like Obama has a "tin ear" when it comes to interpersonal communication. It's the little things that have been bringing him down: the flubbed diner and small-town shop visits, snapping at reporters while on vacation or eating breakfast, the lame attempts at flattery and flirtations with humble voters that Obama confuses with small talk. The everyday patter that is the heart of a campaign as well as of life makes him ill at ease and unable to be spontaneous. Worse, he seems to be unaware of how this skills deficit impacts him and his campaign.
when Hilary was running for president i really like how she communcated and interacted with the people. She cames across as warm and generous, seeming always to have time for another hug or photo or to listen to another story.
Elitist vs Populist Obama... wtf?
Basically, the populist side of the model argues that the media should provide the people what they want, whether that be more episodes of Cops, Flavor of Love, or any other crap that may be produced. If it sells, then it should sold.
The elitist side of the model argues that the media should be used to better the public, encourage intellectual growth, and make the world a better place. The public broadcast channels such as PBS and NPR are perfect examples of elitist organizations.
My issue is with the idea that being an elitist is a bad thing... how is wanting to promote a positive change and better the world a bad thing? Obama was docked cool points and voter ratings for such a thing. In the primary stage, candidates are trying to mold their image, and even still the brand of "too good for the average Joe-six-pack" has marred Obama's reputation.
What do you guys think being an elitist means?
Predictions for the Next Debate
Heels on; gloves off!
Look for "Palin renews Obama Attack" and "Palin criticizes Obama's terrorist connection"
What is at issue is Obama's relationship with Bill Ayers, who founded Weather Underground, a violent group during the Vietnam era. Both Obama and Ayers are from Chicago, and in the early 1990's, Bill Ayers held a meet-the-candidate event for Obama in his living room.
This is a new and vicious strategy on the part of the McCain campaign. According to Palin, "The heels are on, the gloves are off."
The Associated Press, however, released an analysis yesterday, saying that, "No evidence shows they were "pals" or even close when they worked on community boards years ago and Ayers hosted a political event for Obama early in his career."
These attacks made by Palin have been criticized as being racially tinged. This is plausible, and I think the reason why is well described by the AP: "The fact is that when racism creeps into the discussion, it serves a purpose for McCain. As the fallout from Wright's sermons showed earlier this year, forcing Obama to abandon issues to talk about race leads to unresolved arguments about America's promise to treat all people equally."
How big of an issue will race be in the next month? Are people taking Sarah Palin's accusations seriously or not?
One thing is sure: not all conservatives are happy to see this turn of events by the McCain campaign. Some believe it is entirely appropriate to judge a candidate by his past associations like this; others claim it's an exaggeration and that McCain appears desparate by doing this. He is at least hoping that it will help him to secure the win before the end of the general election season.
Michigan Leaning Toward Obama
The economy is one of the leading, if not the leading, issues in the presidential election today. Obama has done a better job of portraying his fiscal plans than McCain. In the last presidential debate, McCain danced around every economic question by responding with criticism to Obama's plan. At least Obama stated his position and gave support to his plan. It is evident that Michigan and other Americans agree with that statement based on the results of recent polls.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Obama Wins the Day
The McCain camp has been planning a new offensive against Obama, which targets his "associations" in Chicago. Already, however, the Democrats have released a quick counter attack in the form of a TV add that accuses McCain of distracting voters from the economic crisis and being "erratic" in the bailout agreements.
Democrats also say that because Obama's associations are being attacked, this will label the associations of both McCain and Palin as "fair game."
The bailout has seemed to have a negative effect on the McCain campaign as well. However, the bailout has appeared to have the opposite effect for Sen. Obama. Polls take since the bailout negotiations have shown large leads for Obama in the swing states.
McCain needs to step it up within the few remaining weeks if he wants to win this election.
Obama's Take on Job Loss
Post Debate Attacks
I am now interested in what the media has to present after the economic bailout plan was passed. We will see soon.
Palin and Biden Clash in Debate
Another thing that was pointed out was how Palin does not seem to know all the issues. She would hesitate to answer the issue or she would not answer them at all. Palin even jokingly said that I have only been doing this for five weeks, and Biden has been in the government for three decades.
Which would I feel more comfortable running this country? I can honestly say I do not know. We have the candidate that has been in the government system for several decades with a running mate that has only been in the system for a little while. Then you have the candidate that does not have a lot of experience in the political system, but has a running mate that has been in the system for a few decades. I am not sure which would be the best combination. I am looking forward to watching some more of the debates that way I get a better understanding of who is going to work best for our country.