A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Pranking Palin

On Saturday, Governor Palin took a prank call from two Canadian comedians. Using obviously overdone French accents, they pretended to be the President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy. When referring to the Canadian Prime Minister, Palin says that she has worked with Canada a lot because of their geographic position, and that he is doing a great job. She did not catch the fact that the comedians called the Prime Minister by the name of a famous Canadian singer.

She complemented him on his beautiful wife and family, and told him how much she liked him and how excited she was to work with France. They even went as far as making plans to go hunting from a helicopter together. After Palin’s complement on his wife, the fake Sarkozy says that she is “so hot in bed,” too. The comedian then asks Palin if Joe the Plumber is her husband, and complements her on the video made about her, referring to a pornographic video made by a Sarah Palin look-a-like. When the comedians told her that she would make a good president someday, she replied with “maybe in eight years.”

The comedians gave her many clues, hinting that the call was not from the real President of France, yet she did not pick up on any of them. Its funny that she can say that she has worked with the Prime Minister of Canada, and she believes he is doing a good job, yet she is not familiar with his name.

McCain back to the Town Hall

Both Senator Obama and Senator McCain have neglected the Town Hall campaigning format recently, in which the candidate answers questions from the audience. McCain hasn't answered any questions from the audience since October 10th in Lakeville, Minnesota when the crowd was belligerent and one woman said that Obama is an Arab. It was too risky to repeat something like that again. However, McCain is scheduled tomorrow for a Town Hall meeting in New Hampshire.

To me, it doesn't seem like a positive tactic to use right now. Not only does he risk racially tinged comments or questions from the audience (and at such a crucial time, too, for undecided voters), but McCain will not reach many people through a Town Hall Meeting. Those who do attend are likely to be strong supporters of him already. I think he should be spending his time doing larger rallies in areas that have a stronger possibility of swinging to him on November 4th.



Candidates Webpages

After looking at both Obama's and McCain's websites there are a considerable amount of differences. Each tier includes similar ideas, but each tier is also presented different.

On the first tier is where I noticed the most difference. For McCain's homepage, there are biographical videos as well as as a form for anyone to sign-up to receive information on the McCain campaign. Also on the main page, there are links for you to click on to find out more on where he stands on health care and employment. On Obama's homepage, I noticed that he mainly has a form getting people to donate money and if they do they have a choice of receiving a free T-shirt as well as a chance to be next to Obama on election night.

For the second tier, there are many similar links such as issues, media, and news. What I did notice was that McCain seems to have a lot more information included than what Obama has making it seem a bit cluttered.

A marketing major myself, I feel that having a lot of information is good, but too much information can make a reader stop and not want to continue.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Lowering Expectations


Plans are drawn up to lower expectancy of presidency if Obama wins next week's election shows concern that supporters are harbouring unrealistic hopes of what he can achieve. With the sudden financial crisis and the prospect of deep recession, has increased the urgency to try to bring people back down to earth in which his campaign of "change" and "hope" are confronted with the reality of a stricken economy. Even Obama himself realizes that expectations risked being inflated.

With an interview for the Colorado radio station, Obama seemed to already engage in expectation lowering and needing more time to tackle the big and costly issues of health care reform, global warming, and Iraq. Although the first days are going to be crucial and it will be hard to achieve his goals, Obama reassures his crowd that it will take time to make a difference.
Obama's tranistion team has been spending months planing a smooth transition; they are under no illusions about the size of the challenges the Democrat will inherit.

The challenges aboard for the next president are immense; big things need to be achieved early to still have the political capital to achieve ambitious leglislative goals. Obama intends to have early priorities that include a mixture of symbolism and substance. These priorties include making a major address in a big Muslim country early in the term and to make early moves to rid America of the controversial prison. His first legislative goals will be to follow through on tax cuts for the middle class and to push through a hugely expensive Bill to provide health insurance.

McCain takes the cake

McCain takes the cake in the best liners in this campaign. According to politico.com he has taken the cake, but has eaten it too. The Republicans have delivered some of the best lines during the end of this campaign, but they have stumbled upon the worst lines. My personal opinion is that this election is full of one-liners and this can be seen through out our everyday lives. I have noticed many college students using these lines or even talking about them on campus. Some examples include:

Obama: “The record’s clear John McCain has voted with President Bush 90% of the time.”
“I think it’s a pretty clear that Sen. McCain is a little panicked right now. At this point, he seems to be willing to say anything or do anything or change any position or violate any principle to try and win this election, and I've got to say it's kind of sad to see. That's not the politics we need.”

McCain: "Sen. Obama, I'm not President Bush. ... If you wanted to run against President Bush, you should have run four years ago."

"We had a good debate this week, and I thought I did pretty well, but let's have some straight talk: The real winner this week was Joe the Plumber. Joe won, because he's the only person to get a real answer out of Sen. Obama about his plans for our country.”

These are some of the most popular one-liners in the campaign. These one-liners that the candidates keep reinforcing keep the election process interesting, if it wasn’t for these the late night shows would have less to make fun of.

Obama draws many youth

Obama helping by looking in expenses of tuition for college students. when he visited Colorado State University. students had be waiting for Obama since 4 a.m. shows the true belief that Obama is going and will help the people that want to farther their education. to also make it much more affordable. during the same speech Obama brought up needs for new jobs and renewable energy. to help America get out of this hole they are in now. Obama enforced to embrace the new economy a look and support the new jobs of renewable energy source. would like to create 5 million new green jobs. in the town of Fort Collins Obama rallied 45,250 youth. Obama is here for everyone.

The Persuadables


Overall, it is apparent to most of the electorate that an Obama victory will likely be the result of this presidential election. However, it is still important to note that several voters are still either undecided or persuadable. This stems mostly from their lack of knowledge in the political scene or because they see positives and negatives in both candidates running for president. These voters could potentially change their minds, which could in theory change the polls, that is unlikely, but still a possibility. Voters that dislike both candidates could not vote at all, which is not good for democracy and could affect the candidates, especially those like John McCain who could use the extra support. An article I read also noted that those who were undecided disproportionately backed Hillary Clinton’s failed campaign, which could take some democratic support away from Barack Obama if they choose not to vote at all. It is also important to note that the article says that only 4/10 “persuadables” report that they have been contacted by any political workers urging them to vote, which shows that there is, perhaps, and untapped group of potential voters.

Candidates Make Their Cases In Final Days Leading Up To Election

In these final days leading up to the election, Senators John McCain and Barack Obama are making their respective cases on why each of them should be the 44th president of the United States. To the victor goes an office facing "global economic instability" and "an array of foreign policy challenges." Each of the candidates took time to sit down with USA Today and discuss an array of topics. John McCain, while in Defiance, Ohio, showed defiance to the polls that show him trailing Senator Obama, denied a supposed "tension" between him and Sarah Palin, and pressed his case further on why he would be the better president. McCain discussed how, he felt the recent rise in popularity of Joe the Plumber, and his infamous interaction with Senator Obama, would help convince voters of "the perils of backing Obama." As the interview progressed in regards to Joe, Senator McCain said, "What Joe the Plumber did was he showed America exactly what Sen. Obama's plans mean to America, which would be sending our economy into a deeper recession and harm our economy," McCain said. "So when people saw Joe the Plumber ask the question, and the answer that Sen. Obama gave him." McCain snapped his finger. "The light went on."
Meanwhile in Virginia Beach, Senator Obama stressed how his diverse background would be a plus if he were elected President. Saying he was looking forward to leading the country at a "difficult and challenging time," Senator Obama noted how his biracial background and years spent as a child overseas would help him be a more successful president than Senator McCain. When further asked to name some of his assets, Barack sited his upbringing, growing up black with an absent father, white mother and grandparents. Barack continued on to say, "I come from a diverse background and so I think I understand a lot of different cultures." This diverse background Senator Obama says will allow him to meet "the challenges and threats of the 21st century.....more effectively than John McCain."
Tuesday is shaping up to be an interesting day. With so many polls showing Senator Obama in the lead, one would hope that people do not become complacent and assume that the winner is already decided. In one of the most important elections in our history, let us hope that people take all the information that they have heard and learned over these past months, and apply it by voting for the candidate that they feel would lead our country in the right direction.


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Countdown to Implosion

The McCain campaign is starting to cannibalize itself in the face of a failed campaign. Already spokespeople are beginning to criticize Sarah Palin for being a diva and ruining the campaign. Top advisors have complained about her refusal to listen to what anyone says. She’s such a maverick, she doesn’t even listen to other mavericks.

With impending doom looming for the GOP on Tuesday, the finger has to be pointed at somebody. It is unfortunate, but mostly expected, that the party would turn on what they thought would be their saving grace. However, it is no surprise, or at least shouldn’t be to anyone with a baseline level of common sense, that a vice presidential candidate should be equally or more qualified for the presidency as the top of the ticket. Especially when that top is 72 years old and not getting any younger. Instead, the GOP wanted a star to steal attention from Obama. They wanted someone to become to new face of their party. They wanted someone they could turn into a maverick, who played by a new set of rules. And they created their own monster.

Palin Scapegoat

If John McCain does not win the presidential election on Tuesday, who is to blame? The Republicans have decided on Sarah Palin as their scapegoat if McCain does not come out on top. One of McCain's own advisers told CNN that Palin “...is a diva. She takes no advice from anyone.” Yet another advisor called McCain's running mate "a whack job."

So perhaps Sarah Palin wasn't the best choice. And it was John McCain who chose her. In a recent TV interview McCain confessed that he "didn't know her well at all" before he made her his VP choice. He had plenty of time to get to know this "whack job diva," but didn't, because, in the beginning, Palin gave the Republican campaign a little excitement and personality. Now, Sarah Palin is "going rouge" and not adhering to Republican campaign scripts, as McCain aides have said.

But is she really at fault if McCain loses the election? I think not. Vice presidential picks rarely make or break an election. Sarah Palin or not, if McCain loses on Tuesday, it is his own doing.


Obama and the non-citizen arguments

This is a somewhat abnormal post. I am asking for assistance. I have only found two types of articles relating to Obama and his birth certificate. Sites talking about him not releasing his official birth certificate and how the one listed on fight the smears is a fake, and those that say it is simply not true with no evidence other than that statement. The reputable source I found supporting Obama was the Washington Post, but in the article it only linked the fight the smears website which is put up by the Obama campaign. Can anyone direct me to a legitimate website which proves that the picture of the birth certificate is a legit one, or explaining why Obama has not allowed a copy of the original to be viewed by the public? I would like to know why he hasn't made a point of officially unsealing the birth certificate. Why allow it to be an issue? Or have I simply not found updated material that gives the truth.

Voter Suppression

As the volunteer fromt the Obama campaign talked about in the last class, voter suppression is a real issue facing many people in the country. I have a good example to share that refers to my brother from Nashville, TN. He moved to Nashville about 4 years ago and has tried to register to vote more than twice and everytime the county or state says they haven't received his registration. He is registering Democrat by the way in a huge Republican state. This year he tried it again so he could vote in the general election. The deadline in Tennessee was October 6th so he went to the DMV and told them he wanted to register and the lady took all the proper information. My brother leaves thinking that he is going to be registered to vote on Nov. 4th. He checks today as to where he is going to have to go and vote and realizes that he is not even registered still. He calls the state to complain about this because he really wants to be a part of history. They tell him that they once again did not receive any information about him registering to vote even though the DMV told him he was. What is wrong with this picture? Do you think he should file a lawsuit? Yes or No?

Palin is Here to Stay

Whether or not John McCain and Sarah Palin win the upcoming election, I believe Sarah Palin is going to be a new political fixture in Washington politics. If McCain and Sarah fail to beat Obama, this will not be the last time we see Palin running in a Presidential election. She has gained a huge fan base during the campaign, one that can be utilized in future elections. Palin has presented herself as a reformer and someone who will fight against a corrupt Washington. She also has a record of working with both sides of aisle and not always doing what is best for her party, but what was best for her state. Until the next election, Palin will have time to better establish her self in politics and become a little less green on certain topics, such as foreign policy. If Palin loses next week, I would suggest Palin running for a Senate seat in Alaska, to better understand how the legislative process works. Palin has already shown her ability to win an election by beating the incumbent governor of Alaska, Frank Murkowski. I think in the future, Palin will be a political force for the Republicans.

Things are Heating UP!!!!

I found quite a few articles that have to do with my candidate. So I will give a synapsois of each. The first article is called "Plotting pair's success unlikely" which has to do with two white supremacists charged with plotting to behead blacks across the country and assasiante Barack Obama. Authorities said that the supremacists were too disorganized to actually go on with the plot. The two young adults had guns but documents showed that they did not get too close to getting their scheme off the ground. The two men were pretty open about the whole thing and so therfore they were easily caught. Some say that it is hard to take them seriously because they were going to wear top hats and tuxes to do the deeds. Many officials stated that the two men didn't have the means or organizational skills to actually go ahead with the assination on Barack Obama.
Joe the Plumber endorses McCain because he does not want Obama to spread any of his wealth around. McCain has made many mentions of Joe the Plumber and there is even an ad on his website with many supporters of his saying I'm Joe the Plumber and I don't want Obama as my president because I want to keep the money I have. Joe states that he is afraid that Obama will change the nation into a sociolist nation.
Battle on Pennsylvania is an upset for McCain. GOP is starting to have doubts about McCain's chances for presidency. Many Republicans in other states besides Pennsylvania are saying that Obama has a good advantage in their states to their dismay. McCain says he is ready for a fight and not afraid of losing in Pennsylvania. Obama also campaigned in Pennsylvania and had about 9,000 people standing in the cold and mud at Wedener University. Obama was very comfortable with the crowd even though it was very cold he also wore jeans, sneakers, and a raincoat to which he usually wears suit and tie. McCain canceled on of his events in Pennsylvania due to the cold weather. McCain is buying more ads in states and becoming more on the defensive. Early voting in swing states are in Obama's favor right now. Democrts are outnumbering Republicans in the voting process especially in the early voting polls.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Yet Another Double Standard

According to Fox News, the LA Times is withholding a tape of Obama toasting a former spokesman for the Palestine Liberating Group, back when this was a designated terrorist groupl. How is this happening? Why is this tape not being released. Just as there are currently no charges going against those that put up the Palin figure in a noose, there is no outcry to show this tape. I think we all know that the world would be lit on fire if something like this was being done with McCain involved. I think it's flat out uncalled for that a tape like this is being withheld. Especially this close to the election. The american need to know the type of person they're voting for. Do you really want to vote for a leader who is toasting a former terrorist organization spokesperson?

Putting Palin in a Noose

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw an article about a couple of L.A. residents placing a mannequin resembling Sarah Palin hanging outside of their home with a noose around her neck. The debate is whether this is a hate crime or not...I don't see a debate needed. If someone put a mannequin representing a well known student on campus with a noose around there neck, I imagine their would be hate crime charges. Could you imagine the out cry if this had been Obama? Obviously, there are reasons for the out cry if it was Obama, but should there be a double-standard in this? Should these actions be punishable? I imagine if it was President Bush in the noose, the Secret Service could easily take it as a threat to Bush's life.

I imagine these people hanging Sarah Palin are about equivalent to a recent study done of some Obama supporters in Harlem whom when asked "Do you support Obama picking Palin as his running mate?" responded "Yes, I think it's a great idea".

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Text Your Representative in Washington

As Mr. Chenault described to us today in class, the internet and forms of new media such as text messaging and iphone applications have become increasingly important to political campaigns. Trent and Friedenberg predicted this evolution, although in the text they focus primarily on candidate websites. The Obama campaign clearly runs a third-tier website, where you can find not only information about the candidate and his platform but also information about the movement; multimedia galore including blogs, personal voter posts and candidate responses, and youtube videos; electronic applications that get you involved and help you organize; and, moreover, all this is also available in Spanish. Perhaps the percentage of candidates who run such a website is outdated in the text, but I'm willing to bet not many people running for public office have a website of this caliber.
I'm amazed at the organizational skills of this campaign and their use of new media. They seem to have thought of everything (and with a founding member of Facebook on board, maybe they have), to have taken every angle of attack to get people involved, all without creating a chaotic mess of bureaucracy. I'm very interested to know how this will carry-over to Obama's administration, if elected. It seems that his staffers have found unique and modern ways to mobilize people for political purposes: people have more faith in not only voter efficacy but in their ability to hold elected officials accountable. What if, a year from now, text messages went out to 4 million individuals who then called or wrote (or texted?) their representatives in support of a bill? Why should their be any lag between decisions made in Washington and voter response? Is this a significant step toward governmental transparency and responsiveness?

Will Secret Service Get Some Exercise?

Two men were charged with plotting to kill Senator Obama on Monday. Paul Schlesselman (of Tennessee) and Daniel Cowart (of Arkansas) were plotting to kill 100 African Americans, their last kill being Obama. Also a part of their plan was to behead 14 people of the 100. These two white supremacists said they would go on this killing spree while wearing white tuxedos. They were both charged with illegal possession of a sawed-off shotgun, conspiracy to rob a federally licensed gun dealer and making threats against a presidential candidate. The secret service and law enforcement have both said they do not believe these two men had the means to "pull off the stunt." The sad thing is, this is only one story of people plotting to take Obama's life. There is no telling how many other people have had similar horrible thoughts. The question is: Does the secret service need to be on any higher alert this year than any other election year? Obama is taking America forward by leaps and bounds just by being an African American presidential candidate. I can not imagine how our country would react if he is assassinated, or even injured! As this is the third threat on Obama's life already, I suspect that the secret service will get some "extra exercise." All we can do as Americans is hope and pray that the secret service and law enforcement can do their jobs effectively.

Experts: Obama Presidency Likely To Disappoint Foreign Fans

It is not surprising to me Senator Obama has recieved overwhelming support in foreign polls. The main contributor to their support of Obama is George W. Bush. Bush has been considered a bully who is not willing to negotiate and has no desire for peace. Europe especially considers Obama their choice for American President. The fact that analysts such as the Financial Times suggest that Obama will not live up to the hype, but are still rooting for him, is clear evidence of a lack of trust in the alternative. I have suggested why I think it is, do you agree or do you suggest some other driving influence.

The Good and the Bad


The internet has become to us, college students, and to a huge portion of Americans, the most used and valuable type of media. The internet is where we get our mail, entertainment, news, essays (just kidding), etc. The candidates are aware of this, and their campaigning efforts have reflected it.

Candidates use their personal websites to raise money, influence voter decisions, and develop campaign activists. Websites are a very inexpensive way of reaching the masses and to humanize the message of the candidate. But the problem with this media is that it is impossible to target a specific audience when you use it. And that is why, surprisingly enough, direct mail is still the most effective way to communicate a message to a specific audience.

Talk has already begun about Palin's run in 2012

Talks have already begun about Palin running for president in 2012. Greg Mueller the senior aid in the presidential campaign for Pat Buchanan states," Palin as the economic populist and traditional American values candidates will be very appealing by the time we get to 2012.” Several accusations have been made recently stating friction that exists between McCain and Palin. Recent issues have suggested Palin is the weight anchoring the McCain campaign from gaining any ground in the presidential election. Mueller says if the McCain campaign wins, then Palin should get a lot of the credit. “A lot of conservatives are not excited by John McCain, even though I think he has been saying some good things,” Mueller said. “If they vote, they will vote for Sarah.”

I tend to question the level of success this article states on Palin in the McCain campaign. I tend to believe McCain is far more of a positive force than Palin. I think this article was created by Republicans who already view the election as a lose. They are preparing the country for the 2012 election, and I am shocked they would even consider Palin as a candidate. I think Palin is unqualified in all categories required for a president.



The “Nightmare on Elm Street” series is playing in blood-curdling surround sound on my TV and I’m nervous – nail biting, stomach-churning and all. Is Halloween putting me on edge? Psssht. That’s mere child’s play. It’s the realization that I’m voting early this weekend that makes me want to mess myself. However, the candidates have been enduring far more frightening events this month. Both parties have seen their fair share of death threats and hanging effigies:



What do these surprise attacks do to the political parties? Although it is in part, a macabre form of “advertisement,” a composed response concerning one of these attacks can further demonstrate just how our presidential and V.P. picks will act in “scary times.” Image and style are huge in this election, and a concise, intelligent response will help to reaffirm the image the voters hold of their favored candidate.

Importance of analyzing advertising ads

Political advertising has been called "the primary mode of public address." From corporations to nonprofits to presidents, it is the first method used to mass distribute messages or change the balance of power. the presidential campagin has been sold on media images that television has created. And while candidates still canvass the country shaking hands and speaking at rallies, most people cast their votes on how they see candidate from their own living rooms on television. Also by interpreting thesecommecials we are enhancing our media literacy, another importance, camera-person's choices in shooting a commercial can change the meaning. For example, a wide shot of a candidate with thousands of people lends a grander feeling and plays to the "bandwagon" appeal: everyone is supporting this candidate. A medium shot might convey a greater sense of intimacy with the viewer and perhaps an image of sincerity or trust.
when analyzing these presidential ads it it importan to answer these Questions:
Content: ex- what is the main point of idea of the ad?
Audio: ex- Does the ad use music, voice, voice-over, or sound effects?
Camera Work: ex- Does the ad make use of depth of field or sharp or soft focus?
These kind of questions and other more help us anayze and understand the ad thats been advertised on tv or on the web.

"Are you joking? Is this a joke?" Im lawling irl, r u?

First off, watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ojmyCRYCkGY

Then ask yourself the question: Was Biden, the anchor, or neither out of line?

The answer: Neither

The anchor was merely doing her job and reading a teleprompter, and Biden was being is 'ol Biden self when asked a loaded question. Studying logic (it's a class here, check it out) has switched something on in my brain that makes me question every argument I hear in a new way. And from the knowledge of that class, I can say without a doubt that the reporter was asking a 'complex question.' This fallacy of argument arises when posing a question that prompts a 'yes' or 'no' answer, but in answering you may be affirming a false claim as true.

Here's an example: Have you stopped cheating yet?

Whether you answer yes or no, you're confirming that you did at one time cheat. And this is exactly what the reporter did. Now of course the McCain camp is going to take clips of this and run like the wind with negative ads, most likely trying to infer that Biden thinks the media is a joke, thus leading to the media reporting more negativity on the Obama camp. While subtly clever - using the news media to kill the reputation of Biden - the plan will probably backfire on McCain. He is already showing a crap-ton of negative ads, and this is more fuel for a fire that is already out of control. Pretty much every voter in swing states is getting a little tired of negative ads... I know I am...

But back to the question at hand, how would you have handeled this situation different? I personally would have called the lady crazy, walked off, and mailed her a picture of me flipping her off. Good thing I'm not running for office.

McCain's Smear Tactics

With the election only a week away, McCain's still behind in the polls. Does his use of smear tactics have any bearing on his current position in the polls? Although both candidates use negative ads, McCain makes much more use of this style than Obama. When doing the Ad Analysis Assignment, I was looking through McCain's ads to find an ad that wasn't negative. I couldn't find one. Could this be a part of why McCain is steadily falling behind? Are the American people tired of trash talk and ready to hear the candidates talk about the issues?

The Horrible Effect of "Horror Ad"

On Obama’s website, one of the campaign ad called “Mills Ad” attracts me very much for being short and to the point. That is a negative ad used to directly criticize McCain’s foreign policy of supporting America’s overseas’ industries.
The ad begins with the gloomy reality of Carolina mills’ workers losing their jobs to their counterpart workers in overseas industries by smashing the audience with the contrast between the numbers of job loses and pride of these laid off workers’ in their past contribution to the production of thread for national flags. This beginning of the ad is very impressive to the audience and can easily arouse echo in the audience’s heart, especially to those who have lost their jobs. And then the ad continues with direct criticism of McCain’s supportive attitude towards American companies giving job opportunities to overseas workers. Obviously the designer is manipulating the contrast created through the messages to attack McCain’s credibility as a competent leader.
The use of symbol like the American national flag can readily remind the audience of what a prosperous and great cause Carolina mills used to have, and can directly associate the image of an victimizer of Carolina mills and the other national industries with McCain.

Monday, October 27, 2008

McCain Faces an Uphill Climb

The latest round of poll results shows McCain faces an uphill climb in the final week of his presidential campaign. The following is an overview of how the battleground states stand as of today. The states are links to the CNN poll.

In Ohio, the state no Republican has won the White House without, Obama is holding a 4 point lead, 50 percent to 46 percent. That's one point narrower than a CNN Ohio polls of polls last week. In Missouri, the state that voted for President Bush twice, Obama holds a 1 point lead over McCain. A CNN average of recent polls last week showed the race tied in Missouri.
Obama is holding onto a 2 point lead in Florida meanwhile, 48 percent to 46 percent. That's one point narrower than the race was last week at this time. In Nevada, Obama has a 4 point lead, 49 to 45 percent — a lead that hasn't changed over the last week. In Virginia, a state that hasn't voted Democratic in over 4 decades, but one that has been increasingly trending Democratic, Obama holds a 5 point lead, 50 to 45 percent. That's 3 points narrower than Obama's lead there last week, according to a CNN poll of polls then. McCain meanwhile has a 1 point lead in Indiana, 47 to 45 percent, another state that hasn't voted Democratic since the 1960's but one that the Obama campaign has heavily targeted. McCain also has an 8 point lead in West Virginia, 50 to 42 percent, a lead that is 6 points higher than it was this time last week.

A CNN political researcher says, “The Republicans haven’t lost Virginia in 44 years. They absolutely need Florida to reach 270 electoral votes on Election Night. They’ve never won the White House without carrying Ohio. And the last time Missouri backed a losing candidate was in 1956." McCain is now trailing, although narrowly, in all four of these states. He needs a dramatic turnaround this week to have a serious shot at winning on November 4.

The Internet's Niche

It is no question that the Internet is a bigger form of mass media, almost in its own realm. Using text, sound, video, interactivity, customization, pushing of information by message creators, and pulling of information by consumers all make the Internet an ideal marketplace for political campaigning. Trent and Friedenberg predicted that in the 2008 presidential campaign ads would be tested online before broadcasted on television. This is indeed true. As the authors have also mentioned, due to the decision by the Federal Election Commission, any content created for a campaign used for web ads, websites, or e-mail is not subject to campaign finance regulations. This does not include paid ads for other websites. The freedom of message creation and cheap feedback can dynamically change a campaign from its very core.

One gross underestimation by the authors is their comparison of the 2004 election with this one. Four years have passed, and more people are online. Not only that, but a great increase in voting-age citizens has also occurred. More people rely on the Internet for information; more people check their e-mail multiple times a day; more people subscribe to RSS feeds for a daily dose of customized literature. By the next election, I feel it is safe to say that the Internet will be the primary focus of a campaign using mass media.

Already Obama has raised record amounts of money from his website. Credible news sources use each candidate's website for information to write articles. As I've mentioned before: the book is already outdated, and it was published this year.

Obama Still Leading in the Swing States

Although the most recent polls show a smaller gap between the candidates in several of the key swing states, Obama continues to maintain his lead. Its difficult to tell how accurate these polls truly are. Will the same people actually exercise their right and vote on November 4th? And how large and diverse is the population sample?
However, it does not seem that McCain will be able to catch up this late in the game and his attack strategies continue to push voters away. I think he uses the same sayings like "maverick" and most recently "Joe the Plumber" until they come across as fake and fall on deaf ears.
I suppose on November 4th, Americans will finally know who will be serving our country for the next four years.

Obama-Biden Support in Spain, Europe, and the World

Does anyone else think it is weird that the United States presidential election gets nightly coverage on the news in Spain and other places around the world, while we learn almost nothing about their elections on ours? I think it is bad that things like that don’t matter to most people in our country. While other countries realize that our president might affect their countries, the United States might as well say that we don’t think it matters who the president of countries like Spain is. A comment made by McCain in September goes along these same lines. He made a series of remarks to a reporter’s questions about meeting with the president of Spain, Mr. Zapatero, which really didn’t make sense. Most people took it as he didn’t know who Zapatero was, and had assumed he was from Latin America. Even after the reporter clarified his question and included the word Europe, McCain didn’t change his implications that he wouldn’t meet with Zapatero. Many people from Spain appreciated Biden’s comment in the vice presidential election that he thought it was crazy that McCain isn’t interested in having talks with the president of Spain. According to a poll in Spain, 89% of people who said they had an opinion about the president of the United States would vote for Obama. This percentage is around what most other countries in Europe are at, and is slightly higher than Mexico and Canada. Almost every country in the world prefers Obama to McCain. With our nation’s current foreign policies it is not hard to imagine that almost all foreigners want to see some serious change in our president.

Obama's Website

Through this whole experience with this class and doing blogs, I have actually come to find that I have learned a lot. Even people around me that I speak with almost on a daily basis have given their imput on how much I have come from before I started with this class. Just from this class I am now able to have an opinion on the election, and it really feels good. My blog for this week is about the websites of the candidates. I have visited both candidates websites, and honestly but have honestly only really been able to focus on one...and that is Obamas. The functions of a candidates website are to affect visitor opinions, a means of fundraising, and a means of developing a body of candidate volunteers. When I first go onto Obama's website, the first thing that catches my eye, is saying "5 Things you can do to Volunteer." This right of the bat is performing one of the functions of a candidate's website. I also like how it goes nice and neat, and really is informative for visitors. I think that the Obama website can affect visitor opinions because when you visit the site, everything is laid out and easy to get to and read. I actually think that it shows a little bit about how Obama would run the country. He will lay it out on the table, and not hide anything. I think as time goes on the use of the internet will increase even more in the time of elections. People will be developing even crazier things and ways people can add this into their actual campaign.

McCain needs big muscles to climb this hill

Looking at polls all across the country it is not looking good for John McCain. He looks to be behind in states like Ohio, Missouri, Florida, Nevada, and and Virginia. Bush won all these states in 2004 and there is no way for McCain to win without them. In Ohio McCain is down 50 to 46 percent. This is a crucial state for McCain since no Republican has every won the presidency without the Ohio on their side. In Missouri Obama is ahead by a closer one point margin. In Florida and Nevada Obama continues to have a 2 to 4 point lead consistently. Finally in Virginia Obama seems to be widening the gap with a 5 point lead. In some polls Virgina is solid blue for Obama. The only light the McCain campaign is seeing right now is in Indiana and West Virgina where McCain still holds his lead over Obama. The only problem is McCain needs all the states that Bush won to win the presidency and he is down 8 of them across the nation. McCain is going to need a miracle on Nov. 4th to pull this off.

Higher Purpose

After weeks and months of down and dirty campaigning, Barack Obama is returning back to his "new politics." He's delivering his "Closing Argument Speech on the Change We Need." He talks of ending politics that divide a nation, and starting a new politic that brings out the best in people. He claims that the past 8 years a higher purpose has been missing from our country and he promises that change.
One of the reasons I chose this article was because of one thing Obama said, The question in this election is not “Are you better off than you were four years ago?” We know the answer to that. The real question is, “Will this country be better off four years from now?”

This is true. We shouldn't be examining the election from a retrospective viewpoint. We should all ask ourselves this question before the vote. So what do you think? Will this country be better off four years from now with Obama or McCain?

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Alaska's Largest Newspaper Endorses Obama

Just today, the Anchorage Daily News (Alaska's largest newspaper) has endorsed Senator Obama.  With the election just over a week away, any endorsements gained are helpful to either party.  The fact that Sarah Palin is their governor has no affect on their decision.  The paper is quoted as saying:

"The election, after all is said and done, is not about Sarah Palin, and our sober view is that her running mate, Sen. John McCain, is the wrong choice for president at this critical time for our nation."

Like many other critics of Palin in the United States, the paper believes she is truly ready to step into the job of being president.  This is interesting that a paper from her home state would be so blunt about their support for the opposition.  However, Anchorage is not the only paper declaring support against their state's perceived party affliation.  In Muncie, Indiana, The Star Press endorses Obama because he has set an example by remaining calm during the financial collapse.  Interestingly enough, other newspapers based out of "swing states" have endorsed Obama, such as:  The Erie Times-News (PA) and The Lansing State Journal (MI).

The Anchorage paper concluded their article with a funny, yet mean statement about Palin and McCain:  "Like picking Sen. McCain for president, putting her one 72-year-old heartbeat from the leadership of the free world is just too risky at this time."

Wardrobe "controversy"

I think it's comical that some of the biggest headlines in our election news this week has been about Sarah Palin's wardrobe. Personally, I could care less how much money is spent on a wardrobe and make-up. I would rather read about what is said at rallies etc. as Obama's coverage has consisted of this week. The fact that this is really the only publicity that the McCain campaign is getting right now while Obama draws hundreds of thousands of people to his rallies is most definately not a bright spot in the election for John McCain. I am of the personal opinion that polls are generally slanted a bit, but I'm starting to believe that Mr. McCain has nearly no shot to win this election. Nov. 4th may not be as exciting as I figured it would be, this election may be boring in the end with a big victory for Obama.