A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Obama's Aggressive Fundraising

"Even Obama's powerful Internet fundraising machine cannot raise all the money he needs for what will be the most expensive presidential campaign in history."

In a time of economic insecurity it is difficult for the American people to understand how our presidential candidates can raise and spend so much money for this election. The Chicago Tribune reports that this will be the "most expensive presidential campaign is history," and of course it will be with prices rising on potentially everything.

How is Barak Obama going to meet his October fundraising goal of $300 million? Although he has had a large percentage of his fundraising come from small donations through the internet, Obama is in need of more aggressive fundraising. Unfortunately this aggressive fundraising will consume a great amount of his campaign time, leaving him less time to focus on the working class people and spending more time in large cities with people who can afford to donate thousands and millions of dollars. For example in the last month Obama has attended several fundraisers in Miami, to Hollywood, to Chicago that had admission prices anywhere from $1,000 to $30,000 per person.

Obviously Obama needs the extra finances to keep up with the campaign expenses, but he already has most of the "big city" votes. He needs to be careful not to let his "small town" votes slip.

Aubree Walgamuth


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