This semester we spent a whole day discussing the finances and the financial strategies of each presidential candidate. The main point out of this class period was who ever has the most money has the advantage, especially when it comes to television time. I was flipping through channels this Friday and stop on the OBAMA channel. Yes on Dish he has his own channel. This channel runs a bio of him and Michelle and his campaign ads over and over again. My first thought was wow this must have cost a pretty penny. Then I was reading through articles online and find out that Obama has purchased a 30 minute time slot on NBC and CBS on October 29th to give a closing statement. This is quit the financial strategy. He has been able to raise his money and spend it on everything necessary to make him successful during the presidential election and now he still has plenty to buy a television channel to air his ads and bio and to buy thirty minutes to address the American people without the rushing time of advertisements are debates. This will be his last chance to reach out to the American voters.
By saving this large chunk of money for the end of the race it is hard telling how McCain’s campaign can keep up. In order for him to make a thirty minute closing statement like Obama’s he may have to pull his ads from some of the swinging states. This could go both ways for McCain. Some political articles state that if McCain would have chosen Romney as his Republican vice presidential nominee, with Romney’s personal wealth and his business connections he would have been able to raise as much as $1 million a day. This really makes me wonder how much money really does have to do with politics. I am sure McCain realized that he would have been able to boost his finances with Romney and he chose Palin instead. Does this mean he truly did choose the better person for the job? Or maybe he was more interested in the media light and this was his answer to picking Palin. If there is one thing we have learned from the beginning of this semester it is money and media make politics go round.
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