The third presidential debate is taking place tomorrow. Both candidates will try to make an impact on audiences by not only increasing voters’ knowledge of issues, but by also persuading some undecided voters to vote for them (shift limited numbers of voters). This debate is going to be especially important for McCain, who lost the previous two debates. McCain is going to have to move away from general statements to specific actions he would take if elected president. I think the reason why I have yet to be impressed with either candidate during a debate, is because neither one of them touches on anything in depth. The both float around vague statements and overused attacks the whole time, and I think we are all tired of that.
Hopefully we will get more substance in this last debate from both candidates, but there is only one way to find out…and that is why I’ll be watching it.
That picture is hilarious! What an image builder for McCain... an old white guy wanting to whip a strong, young African man. I have a feeling that the 24 hour news channels (except FOX) are going to jump on this and run like the wind.
McCain's image is in serious jeopardy with non-KKK or extreme right-wingists if he keeps up with his current trend.
McCain has said several things throughout his campaign, especially during debates which have surprised me. His non-verbal reactions are also surprising and annoying at times. I honestly do not think I can stand 4 years of looking at his facial expressions. On the note of the whip, it is obvious we are blowing this out of proportion. I hate when the media takes something completely out of context and turns it into something like this. It is ridiculous to say McCain is going to whip Obama.
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