A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Struggle in Alaska

Recently, both campaign teams have turned their attention towards Alaska, and surprisingly the issue has nothing to do with drilling for oil but everything to do with digging up some dirt on the state's governor and Senator McCain's running-mate, Sarah Palin. Although, an Obama spokesperson has released a statement denying the Obama campaign has sent researchers to the state, many more resources have reason to believe they, in fact, have. The Obama campaign also did not deny the existence of and research being conducted by Democratic lawyers about Palin's religious beliefs, family, and other trivial rumors. Members of the Alaskan Republican Party claim they have witnessed and conversed with these Democratic researchers, who openly admitted they were working for the Obama campaign. Of course, the McCain campaign has responded by sending a rebuttal group of supporters whose goal is to defend Palin against what they deem unfair attacks. The behavior in Alaska is not at all surprising and will probably continue through the rest of the election, especially if one of the candidates begin to slip in the polls.



jpbaker18 said...
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Anonymous said...

Please direct your comments to the substance of the post, not to rants for or against a candidate. Our goal is to understand the process, to examine the actions taken and the claims made by people involved in the election.

Also, keep in mind that we need to be factual. The claim that Sen. Obama attended a "madrassa" is false. See http://www.factcheck.org/elections-2008/sliming_obama.html.