A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

What's John McCain been up to?

(1) Since the close of the Republican Convention last week, the McCain-Palin team has seen public opinion polls go up in their favor and they campaigned for the first time in northern Virginia and drew a crowd of more than 20,000 people in the primarily Democratic county of Fairfax. (Although a string of statewide races have recently gone to the Democrats, Virginia’s 13 electoral votes have not gone to a Democrat since 1964.)

(2) In regards to campaign advertising and web presence, the McCain-Palin team has released both a new TV ad (only airing in select states) and also a new web ad. (Which Andrew has somewhat touched base on) Here's a link to the new TV ad about Sarah Palin...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LK4oWay1VbE

(3) Although public opinion poll numbers for a particular candidate do tend to rise directly after a convention, I think McCain’s choice of Sarah Palin for his running mate will help to keep the support coming. On one hand, there have been several news stories released recently that emphasize Palin’s ability to energize women from all walks of life and from all ideological beliefs. On the other hand, her lack of foreign policy experience could hurt the team. Overall, I think the team would be able to accomplish many tasks in the White House with their ability to cross party lines, which McCain has already done on numerous occasions. Another impressive quality about John McCain’s politics is his record of resisting earmarks.




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