A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

White Women Flocking to McCain--Will It Last?

Today on politco.com in the "arena" section (see link), there were some interesting comments concerning the support of John McCain by white females after naming Sarah Palin as his running mate.

One analyst suggests that Palin is a prime example of the "idealized" Republican woman--"pro-life, pro-gun, pro-God." However, most agree that the current buzz over the Republican VP nominee will not last.

My thoughts...

While I was initially intrigued by Palin, I must admit that her over-zealous use of religious language scares me. Even as a white woman, raised in a religious home, I still appreciate the importance of a leader who is attractive to people of all religions, or to those who observed none at all. (What happened to separation of church and state?)

But then again, from a campaigning standpoint, I am the sure the religious affiliations of the future president/vice president rank highly in importance for many Americans, and in that sense, is a very effective strategy to make multiple references to Christianity. (I'm just not buying it.)

There can be too much of a good thing.

1 comment:

kapletcher said...

I agree with your comment "What happened to separation of church and state?" I remember reading an article where someone made the comment that they miss the days when pastors gave sermons and politicians talked politics. I think faith is a good thing, but only to a point. Politicians are elected for their expertise on domestic and foreign policy, not theology.