A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Political Stunt

Today John McCain decided to suspend his campaign because he believes he needs to be in Washington to help pass the 700 billion dollar bailout. Many people are divided on what this actually mean? Many people in the media have come to the conclusion that McCain is going to Washington just because it will look good in the time of crisis. He and Senator Obama are both Senators and have a vote in the matter but that is about it. McCain going to Washington and suspending his campaign just to vote.

McCain also said today that if there isn't a bailout bill passed by Friday he would not be attending the Presidential Debate that is scheduled for Friday. This also makes it look more like a political stunt because going to Washington to vote is one thing but suspending your campaign and stating that the debate should be postponed looks like McCain is just playing politics. Its a risk that in the end is probably going to hurt him despite what his staff is telling him to do.

Obama said today that he would still be at the debate friday night and the debate committee stated it would happen Friday. What will happen if John McCain doesnt' show up? Something is going on in the McCain campaign and they can't find their voice right now so they are throwing all sorts of ideas out there day to day. What will happen next?


eashbrook said...

Actually, McCain said to reporters that he did not think the Bush administration's $700 billion bailout adequately addressed the crisis. His advisor said, "The bottom line is he did not think we (the Senate) would reach a conclusion and it's imperative that we do."


McCain is suspending his campaign efforts to meet his congressional duties. His actions are similar to his suspension of the Republican National Convention when Hurricane Gustav hit the Gulf Coast. I admire him for having his priorities straight. Regardless if he is running for President, he is still serving in the Senate and, therefore, still has certain duties. From his remarks and other statements, he is not simply going to Washington to vote. He wants to bring his ideas and participation to the table in order to accomplish something. And even if he was attending just to vote on legislation, he is still making a contribution to get something done. One more vote could make the difference in whether a bill passes or not. People are elected to Congress to represent their constituents by voting on legislation. Maybe, his decision will hurt public opinion of him and his campaign, but his actions exemplify the qualities I want in a president. In my opinion, putting our country first, taking the initiative, and following through on your obligations shows that McCain is ready to serve as our president.

Kristi Sattison said...

But isn't the point if running for president being able to multi-task like running a campaign AND voting in congress? It seems to me that McCain is trying to buy time to re-strategize by "prioritizing his time on the Hill". I agree that this will hurt him severely.