A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

McCain's Campaign on the Edge of Destruction

Things just don’t seem to be going John McCain’s way these days. Yesterday, the news was covered in embarrassing stories of his campaign advisors not getting along with Governor Palin (further detailed in ” Palin going Rogue” below), John McCain’s brother calling 911 to complain about traffic, and cursing at them nonetheless, and Sarah Palin getting called out on the importance of fruit fly research after she downplayed it in a speech.
As far as the campaign, it was reported that the highest paid member of John McCain’s staff made $22,000 in only two weeks. This was not his economic advisor, nor his foreign policy advisor, but Sarah Palin’s make-up artist. The make-up artist won an Emmy for her work on So You Think You Can Dance, and is obviously the most important employee of the campaign at this point.
Other expenditures reported by the McCain campaign included the wardrobe for Palin from the Republican National Convention. When questioned about the prices, Sarah Palin said that the numbers couldn’t be right, and that she also did not get to keep them. This all comes on the same day in which Sarah Palin gave her deposition on the trooper case, and the campaign launches what has been called the most controversial campaign ad since the “Daisy” ad.


kapletcher said...

What's the link to wherever you got the numbers? I would really like to see this for myself. $22,000 in two weeks for a make-up artist? That's a bit ridiculous, especially since the make-up artist is the highest paid member. I think someone helping to make decisions is a little more important than someone who takes care of how good you look.

MLBasey said...

I think that this is really pretty funny! Also, it just goes to show that McCain should definately not be president. What does it say to you when the staff cant even get along with Palin? If they can't, and they are working for them, how in the world is she supposed to be VP?!?! Also, if those numbers are right for the make-up artist...I need to change my career goals in life, and start doing that. I also think that it goes to show that Sarah Palin never really has an answer. She couldnt even answer if that was true about the price for make-up, and while watching the debate I realized that she also beats around the bush, and instead of answering a question she puts an attack on Obama's campaign.