A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Friday, October 24, 2008

"The Ignored Issue"


Recently there was an assertion that both candidates have been spending ample time in addressing the budget crisis but have not really zoned in on the concerns growing with Social Security. Obama's campaign disagrees with this statement.

So in talking about Social Security, what does Obama intend to do? As seen in events, paid media, and terms of policy, Obama takes an approach to ensure the long-term health of Social Security. For one he will not risk Social Security savings to the whims of the stock market. Obama also opposes privatizing social security knowing the way to fix a system is by strenthening the payroll tax system; and he opposes raising the retirement age.

Once the candidate is in office, there will definately be some changes and hopefully the changes will show the positive. I feel that Obama has some good ideas with the Social Security plans he intends to follow out... why keep trying something that is continuing to hurt rather than help?

1 comment:

Adam VanZile said...

Social security is a topic I have never heard brought up this campaign. I do like some of the ideas Obama stipulates. Social security was a major issue several years ago, and I think the severity of the sujbect has been lost with time.