A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

McCain Goes to Florida

John McCain is trying to ensure victory in the large swing State by focusing on the blue-collar vote. CNN has called his Florida trip “Joe the plumber tour.” McCain is thanking Joe’s all over the United States. John McCain is concentrating on Obama’s tax plan. McCain argues that Obama is only concerned with “spreading the wealth” and not growing the economy. Currently, Obama has a three percent lead in Florida. McCain cannot afford to lose any of the swing states, especially Florida. I think using Joe the plumber is a good way to humanize the issues.
While McCain is in Florida, Obama is once again visiting the Hoosier state. Obama is determined to switch Indiana to blue, even though Indiana has only voted once for a democratic candidate in last 70 years. Although McCain is ahead in Indiana, I think McCain needs to make at least one more stop in Indiana. In the past thirty days the Obama campaign has spent 4.6 million on Indiana ads, while the RNC has only spent 1.1 million. The Republican National Committee has been helping combat the Obama ads in Indiana. However, a personal appearance by McCain might end the contention in Indiana.

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