A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

McCain, Bush, and Obama Discuss Bailout Plan

Key lawmakers are confident that a multibillion-dollar bailout plan for Wall Street aimed at avoiding a national economic catastrophe is in the near future. President Bush brought John McCain and Barack Obama and many other national leaders together in hopes of reaching an agreement about this deal. He brought these two together to inform them and hope to get there approval. Bush would like them to carry this plan through to one of their terms.

If this plan would actually pass, them one of the candidates would have to follow through with this new plan. My concern is that it is not what the candidates had in mind. Will voters see it as a weakness that they are going to follow something that Bush has proposed? It seems like a complicated web of potential political benefits and consequences that could affect McCain. “McCain hoped voters would believe that he rose above politics to wade into successful, nitty-gritty dealmaking at a time of urgent crisis, but he risked being seen instead as either overly impulsive or politically craven, or both.”

Do you think this impulsive multibillion-dollar plan will affect the way John McCain and Barack Obama are viewed from now to the election? Will it help or hurt them?

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