A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Barack Obama is tagging McCain with a new characteristic: erratic. McCain's actions the past couple weeks have brought the attack on. First, he said the fundamentals of the economy are strong then changed it to being in crisis. First, he opposed the bailout of AIG then supported it. First, he called for the firing of the SEC Chairman then called him a good man. First, he was suspending his campaign and postponing the debate, and now he is taking part in the debate tonight.
Obama and his campaign are sticking a label on McCain. To me it's reminiscent of 2004 when Kerry got stuck with the term "flip-flop." If Obama can pull off giving the image of an erratic hot-tempered old man to the American voter, it might just help him win the presidency, because erratic is not a characteristic people want in their president.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice catch, Kyle. The Obama campaign is pinning the "erratic" tag on McCain in a new ad appearing today.