A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Biden a B.A.! Bush Adversary, that is

       In a speech on September 15th, Senator Joe Biden let his true feelings resound in Saint Clair Shores, MI.  He was not hesitant to compare G.W. Bush and John McCain.  He is quoted as saying, "Just as George Herbert Walker Bush was nicknamed "Bush 41" and his son is known as "Bush 43" John McCain could easily become known as "Bush 44".  He suggests that if we forget our history, we are going to have four more years repeat of the past eight years.  On the other hand, Biden is quick to follow up that he considered McCain a friend, but America needs more than a great soldier, Amercia needs a wise leader.  
     The significance of this speech is the mudslinging is just beginning.  The next month and a half are going to be cut-throat.  They have all established a voting posse who thinks the opponent is wrong for our country, it's the undecided voters they are attempting to convince.  Along with speeches, the attack television ads have increased in number.  Obama just released another ad claiming McCain as admitted he does not understand the economy.  Furthermore, it reveals who advises McCain, one of which being George Bush himself. 


1 comment:

lmbutterbaugh said...

The fact of the matter is, John McCain votes on party lines more often that he does not, so he's always going to be associated with the Bush Administration. "Maverick," right. Does the American public even KNOW what a "maverick" is?



Samuel A. Maverick †1870 American pioneer who did not brand his calves (1867)

1: an unbranded range animal; especially : a motherless calf
2: an independent individual who does not go along with a group or party

McCain's voting record proves that his self-applied description is inaccurate a majority of the time.