A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

McCain the populist

On Tuesday McCain made a small but necessary attack on Wall Street. He called them greedy, irresponsible, and said they only have self-interest. He made his point to the working class of Florida and to the rest of the United States. McCain mentioned that the working people of the United States are, "the hardest working, the best skilled, most productive, most competitive in the world." I believe that McCain is trying to protect the people from losing their money, jobs, and also from being cheated on Wall Street. He goes on to state in the article that "the FDIC and SBIC will have all the support they need to fully back the savings of the American people." I think that McCain made a bold statement by attacking Wall Street, this shows the people that he has what it takes to stand up for the people of the United States. McCain will fight for small business owners, affordable home loans, student loans, and small business loans. He also plans to fight for more jobs for all Americans. His economic plan is what we need to stimulate the American economy.


Adam VanZile said...

McCain's economic plan is not what we need. I have read several articles that point out issues where his economic strategy is questionable. McCain has outlined a few specific ideas, like cutting the corporate tax rate, reducing energy costs, helping Americans buy groceries, and balancing the federal budget.

McCain's answer to reducing energy costs is increasing off shore drilling and nuclear power plants. Both ideas are effective and innovative; however it could take years for Americans to reap the benefits of those methods.

In terms of groceries, McCain wants to increase the value of the dollar, and proceeds to discuss cutting back on ethanol mandates, which tend to raise prices for corn that might go toward food. Lowering the price of corn does not have much of a direct effect on Americans. Corn is an abundant item in America; therefore doing little to stimulate our economy.

What about falling incomes? McCain has not said much about the matter. Since 2000, incomes have barely risen after economic inflation. Many of his economic issues relate back to family income. Americans cannot afford groceries because money is tied up into other sources. This is a major issue in America and McCain barely touches base on it.

I am not ruling out that McCain can be an effective president; however I do question his economic plan which you claim will stimulate our economy.

Sarah Squires said...

McCain plans to enact reforms that will place many more regulations on business. The basic law of economics states that government should maintain a hands-off approach on business. I think this approach of letting the markets equalize by themselves is the best economic policy but I also have to wonder, when is it necessary for government to step in and protect Americans? I know Americans need to be comforted right now and John McCain has been making statements to that effect. I'm just not sure if more government intervention in business is what is best in the long run.

Heather said...

I'm wondering how we got into this economic slump in the first place with the Bush administration. Many jobs are leaving becuause of fuel costs hurting the economy. We need to get more inovative in how we do things in this country to protect our future children. I don't think corporate tax rates should be cut I believe they should pay more. CEO'S make way too much money for their own good and the money should trickle down to the more needy or to fix our broken healthcare system. I talk to many Americans a day that work in service oriented jobs and they live paycheck to paycheck and if they get sick they either don't get paid or lose their jobs. Other countries take better care of their citizens then we do and they are happy.
I don't believe that drilling is the answer to our oil crisis either. Drilling ruins our enviroment and frankley I don't want my daughter living in a world that is being ripped apart for oil. I think scientists out there have ideas for alternative fuel and we should look to them and see what is the best fit for Americans.
Americans need more than help buying groceries. I personally get help though the government with foodstamps but I see everyone stuggling to buy groceries and need to come up with different way of doing things. I'm hearing old ways of thought from McCain.