A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Preisidential Canidates are celebrities?!

Presidential candidates are becoming more popular, even more popular than celebrities. McCain and Obama are attending events that have guests such as Leondardo DiCaprio, Steven Spielberg, Jodie Foster and Jamie Lee Curtis. Tuesday evening these well known celebrities attended Barbara Striesand's fundraiser for Obama. The group raised $9 million for Obama's campaign. Even though the popularity of  both candidates is rising, neither one claims to be the most popular celebrity. McCain and Obama have both said that their opponent is "Washington's biggest celebrity" or "the biggest celebrity in the world." 

The question is, are the presidential candidates really gaining anything from gaining popularity from celebrities? "The Center for Responsive Politics reports that the entertainment industry alone has donated $21.4 million to the Democrats and $7.1 million to the Republicans in 2008." A study done by the University of Maryland shows that Oprah Winfrey endorsing Obama will cause Obama to gain 1 million votes that would not  have received otherwise. As it turns out, it seems that celebrities can make a difference in the polls!


kapletcher said...

"Oprah Winfrey endorsing Obama will cause Obama to gain 1 million votes that he would not have received otherwise." To me, that's sad. People that vote for someone because a celebrity is shouldn't even vote in my opinion. We should be voting for who we believe will do the best job and supports our views, not because someone else says so.

aswelcher said...

This trend of celebrity endorsers having an influence over people, however sad, seems to be true. Certain celebrities have not been hesitant to voice their opinions on whom they think should be president, either. Behind Senator Obama are celebrities such as: Jennifer Aniston, Robert DeNiro, Samuel L. Jackson, Chris Rock, and Oprah Winfrey. In fact, all of the previously listed have donated/fundraised at least $2,000 toward the Obama campaign. Samuel L. Jackson even went as far to skip the Academy Awards to campaign for Obama in Texas. And, as many of us know, Oprah threw a 3 million dollar fundraiser for Obama.
Meanwhile, McCain has drawn the support of big time names such as Sylvester Stallone and "The Govenator" Arnold Schwarzenegger. Both candidates definitely have big name celebrities backing them, and in some instances, even campaigning for them. One would hope that Americans would indeed decide for themselves who will do the best job and which candidate better supports their views and needs, not the one that a famous celebrity says should be president.

Aubree said...

Why does it matter if a presidential candidate is endorsed by a big time celebrity? Celebrities have a big voice in this country. Why shouldn't they speak out and express their support for a candidate especially if it helps the candidate. The American people are drawn to these celebrities for certain reasons and hopefully some of those reasons are because they stand for certain issues. When I hear of a celebrity I like giving their money to a charity or cause I am for I like them more. So my hope is that people support a candidate even more because of celebrities and the issues the celebrities stand for, not just because they support the celebrity. Most of the celebrities that support a candidate have a reason for it and they do not have a problem vocalizing this reason.