A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Remarks By John McCain At Ohio Rally

during this time of the presedential campaign it is very important to gain peoples attention, especially bc we are getting close to the elections, ever speech the candidates say is very important to get the people vote. when McCain speaks in the speech of the Ohio Rally, he remidns the people how he put his campaign on hold to help solve the economic crises, by mentioning that he reminds and also gain the peoples attention of his intentions, and how trying to rescue americas economy is more important than the campaign, he says: "Some people have criticized my decision, but I will never, ever be a president who sits on the sidelines when this country faces a crisis. Some of you may have noticed, but it's not my style to simply "phone it in." he also points out the problem, thats obama's records isnt going to help 95% of the americans, he is not only point this out as a problem , he is also criticisizing the oponents record.


lmbutterbaugh said...

I feel as though sometimes we should apply the "incumbent strategies" to John McCain. After all, didn't he vote with Bush over 90% of the time? I'm beginning to feel as though McCain is mostly reaffirming the "accomplishments" that this past 8 years have yielded....

rruelas said...

Jihan is absolutely right. Senator McCain putting his campaign on hold does gain people's attention. It also shows some of the leadership qualities we talked about in class. It definitely shows the trustworthiness and reliability qualities by conveying that the country's problems are more important than his political campaign; and that he's willing to drop everything to help the American people when they need it.

Michael Neese said...

I agree. I do feel the McCain has been putting his campaign on hold to just simply gain some attention from people. It may have work on several people but doesen't make it right. The president should be able to handle more than just one problem at a time. So working on the economy and running for president should't hold one or the other back.