A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Gotcha Sarah/McCain the Puppetmaster

As many of you might have seen there is a new tv interview with Sarah Palin and Katie Couric with an extra addition of John McCain. Is there any other way to show that your vice presidential nominee is not qualified more than having to go to a CBS tv interview with her to clear up the ongoing debate on whether she qualified to be one heartbeat away from the Presidency.

Watching the interview just a moment ago revealed something quite interesting to me that McCain looks very nervous when Gov. Palin is talking to Katie Couric. Couric is asking questions about Gov. Palin's reaction to attacking Pakistan since she said she would over the weekend. McCain throughout the interview tries to talk for Palin suggesting that they totally agree on foreign policy in regards to Pakistan even though she stated otherwise. McCain said the question wasn't stated clearly by the voter about Pakistan and it is normal to just give an answer off the top of your head. According to McCain it is just "Gotcha journalism". The fact is she said it to a voter.

This dual interview with McCain and Palin shows that she needs McCain there to back her up and talk for her to clerify any misunderstandings that the media has gotten from Palin's solo interviews. In the end this makes them look weaker especially if they don't agree on foreign poicy in regards to Pakistan.

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