A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Who won the debate?

Many Americans who have been following the presidential election are debating who won the debate last Friday. The McCain campaign stated, "There was one man who was presidential tonight; that man was John McCain." The Obama campaign stated, "This was a clear victory for Barack Obama on John McCain's home turf. Sen. McCain offered nothing but more of the same failed Bush policies, and Barack Obama made a forceful case for change in our economy and our foreign policy."

So who really won? I believe one true candidate did not stand out; however both candidates had their good and bad moments. If I had to give the edge to one of the candidates, I would give it to Obama. Obama presented his views on several issues much clearer than McCain. McCain was more worried about criticizing Obama about his stance on issues, than portraying his own. McCain took an offensive approach as he constantly bombarded Obama with complaints. Obama responded well in his defensive stance and kept his poise. When Obama was able to take the offensive, McCain did poorly in keeping his poise and it showed. I personally believe, McCain was banking on suspending the debate instead of preparing for it. I think it was evident that McCain was not prepared. Overall, If I had to give a slight edge to one candidate, I would give it to Obama.


rruelas said...

I would agree that Obama had the edge in the debate on Friday. They were pretty evenly matched, however, Obama is, in my opinion, a better speaker than McCain. Obama definitely used some of the challenger strategies to his advantage; with the focus being on calling for a change.

Aubree said...

I would agree that one candidate did not stick out over the other during the debate on Friday night, which is disappointing. I feel as if they both had their strong points but they each could have driven some of the issues home a little more. The media expressed that "the voters want someone who will clean up" and I am afraid to say I did not see much of this on Friday night. I feel as if they were both not as prepared as they could have been and the debate could have been more productive than what it was. Therefore, it was very difficult for me to understand where they stand on each issue.