A blog written by Manchester College students studying the 2008 presidential campaign.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Education Proposal

While looking at Obama's webpage, I came across an interesting news article about education. This article displayed Obama's proposal of doubling federal funding for charter schools. In his proposal he stressed the importance of the need for financial support and possibly going beyond teaching. Also, he stressed the issue of left versus right; wanting to set aside the typical bickering over public education. Obama argued that both sides have good ideas and use those ideas to make the changes our children need.

I feel that Obama has many strong arguments to improve education in all schools. Have you ever had a teacher in grade school or high school who only taught enough to get by; not asking the students if you understood it or went to extra lengths trying to help you outside of the classroom? Obama's plan of teacher accountability; teacher performance pay and getting rid of the teachers who don't perform is a big possiblity and dramatic change. It will affect the children, but in a good way because we need teachers who are passionate and want to help the children succeed.


1 comment:

Tina said...

One of the merits of presidential compaign is that it provides a platform for the candidates to show the public how they are going to address the problems of the country more effectively, which fulfills the function of giving information to the public and that of meeting campaign expectations by engaging themselves into fierce debates as categrized in the textbook. Once the public sees different approadches of the candidates, they will probably change the impression of the two candidates, which might influence their final choice of their ideal president.